The Flash's Family? Senju Family?

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1st person Pov 

So I have pretty much got a good grasp on this Super Strength Technique I can knock down several trees so I would rate myself High Genin Level already and I haven't even trained that much.

  I have been experimenting with chakra strings and can attach it to rocks to throw at people of course I suck at it but practice makes perfect right? Anyways I recently found a fond for sharks and how they circle there prey.

  In Orochimaru's lab there is a technique called Water Release:Water Shark Bullet Technique. Which Basically launches a shark at high speed that does a lot of damage and absorbs the chakra from the target.I can safely say that I got pretty good at using that technique.But now I'm pushing myself to the ultimate test.

That is to raid a bandit camp.I'm hiding in a bush currently ready to use it at a moments notice."Now!" I silently shout to myself Water Style:Water Shark Bullet Technique!!. A LARGE FREAKING SHARK MADE OF WATER CAME OUT!!!. It absolutely devastated the camp leaving it soaked in and blood.

Oh god I just got my first kill and actually I don't feel bad about it I quickly run over to the camp since everybody's already been taking care of and see some gold that could sell for some pretty penny's and also I find a couple of fire jutsu's like Fire Style:Great Fireball Jutsu and Fire Style Phoenix Fire Jutsu. Stashing it away in my storage scroll I quickly left the place and snuck back in the village.

There were always holes in the village walls and Orochimaru of the Legendary Sannin of course knew not a surprise.I check the time "OH SHIT THE ACADEMY" I move at top speed which to Civilan is just a blur and make it once again in record time.

Opening up the door I see staring right at me is in fact Minato Namikaze the yellow flash and current Fourth Hokage."Hey future genin these are my kids " Naruto Uzumaki,Naruko Uzumaki-Namikaze and Mito Uzumaki-Namikaze.Naruto was wearing a eye-sore Jumpsuit with blue lines on it's shoulder and Uzumaki symbol on the back.Naruko was wearing a yellow sundress with typical shinobi Sandals.Then Mito was wearing an A blue dress that went with her figure

They all had blond hair and was unmistakable for Minato's son and daughters.They quickly turned towards me as did the rest of the class when I entered. "uhhh hey" I Awkwardly said to the class the blonde all looked at my curiously and the One called Naruto looked at me with a unknown emotion.

I quickly sat in my chair on the left so not to cause more attention on me and it worked they all turned around and left me alone.That is until a  boy came up to me looked the same age as me Black Hair with fang-like bangs and red shirt Senju clan symbol  on the back and Typical Black Anbu Pants.

His name was 'Buranchi' Huh,What a name for someone who comes from the clan that uses Wood Style "Hey dude whats up" I said "Uhhh where were you at man"

oh you know how it is catching dogs,playing with 'water'.He gave me a weird look but nodded anyways.

"So dude I have something major to tell you right now" he said wonder what that could mean? He comes up to my ear and whispers "I have just recently unlocked wood style dude!" my eyes went wide with shock and my jaw dropped."nice dude but if i was you I would tread carefully konoha is very much in need of wood style and if your secret was to get out like that you could be made into a breeding machine so konoha could have more wood style users"

He looked at me with disgust and fear clear in his eyes "I know and I plan to keep this secret with me to my grave if I have too" whew good that wouldn't be too pretty to lose a friend to fame and Popularity.

"AHEMMMMM" A brown haired man with a scar on his side said.Oops forgot about them and spaced out again "what is your excuse for being late this time Kai-San?" He briskly said "Uhhh I was playing with water and lost track of time?" I Carefully said

"Don't be late again got it" I nodded.The hokage interrupted and said to the the class "Alright I'm going to go continue on with the bane of my existence.Paperwork" He said and Vanished in a flash of yellow.

Iruka told the new students to sit wherever they want and as soon as that was announced guys and girls started to swarm the newly confirmed children of the hokage to sit next to them To my surprise though they sat next to me and Buranchi.But when they sat next to me they said nothing and class continued on like nothing happened."Alright class sparring time pick your partners we are going outside!"


A/N:Sorry for the spelling I'm trash at spelling thing bring some suggestions.

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