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In Grade Nine we had to write a memoir paragraph thing about an item that is special to us, so I wrote about my favourite stuffed animal. (The paragraph is broken up so it is easier to read)

When I was a child I had a stuffed Hello Kitty. I still have it to this day. I would love to pass the stuffed animal on to my future child, because it has literally been through everything with me. I got it when I was about two years old, and always carried it around with me everywhere I went, around the house, to the store, sleepovers, playdates, to my grandparents' house, on vacation,up until the age of five. At this point, I had stopped carrying it around everywhere, but still slept with it and still took it to sleepovers and on vacations. I had it in my head that I couldn't sleep without it, and that it had the ability to keep me safe from the "monsters". I used to have it at all my birthday parties, I used to talk to it, "share" my snacks with it, hug it whenever I was sad, dance around holding it when I was happy, I even used to refer to it as "my sister." 

I had many stuffed animals as a kid, but this is the one that was always the most special. When I was seven years old, and I had to go to the hospital, I had my Hello Kitty with me. I always took it to hospital visits to calm me down and make me feel safe. My mom told me that when I was going through my tonsil surgery, the doctors put my Hello Kitty next to me in a plastic bag. My Hello Kitty was with me when I was diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension, and was there all 21 days that I was in the I.C.U. Whenever I misplaced this stuffed animal, I would panic and cry until I found it, but it didn't get misplaced that often, since it was always by my side. I remember one time, I was staying overnight in the hospital, and I had gone to the bathroom. My mom had taken the sheets off the bed and put them in the laundry hamper that was in our room. We were all packed up to leave when I realized I didn't have Hello Kitty. I was freaking out and luckily my mom had the idea to look in the hamper where she had put my sheets and found Hello Kitty. That was a close call! Of course, after we found my Hello Kitty I was very relieved. 

Whenever I was bored, I would have "conversations" with my Hello Kitty, either in my head or out loud. I have had it since I was about two years old, the bow on its ear has been resewn on multiple times, the skirt had a string hanging off of it, but we fixed that, the little tie the Hello Kitty used to wear has fallen off and gotten lost, there is a chip on its nose, and it is no longer that pure white color that it used to be. Anyone who looked at this Hello Kitty would think it was just a beat- up old stuffed animal, but to me it reminds me of both pleasant and not so pleasant memories of my childhood. This Hello Kitty holds a special place in my heart, and it always will. 

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