The True Fight

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^^^A/N look at da picture and thank google ^^^

There were only three people left, Archito the Cheeto, Entity303 Love and Ally. They all looked at each other with a hint of worry in their eyes.

Ally: ok, splitting up clearly isn't working... I say we should just stay here and determine who the murderer is.

Archito The Cheeto: works for me

Entity303 Love: Same here

Archito the Cheeto: So I guess we should go through the eliminations and say who is most likely to have eliminated them?

Ally: seems good

Entity303 Love: Yeah, First death was Billy, right?

Ally: Yes, in that room on the second floor

Archito the Cheeto: that could of been any of us, we were all on the second floor when it happened

Entity303 Love: Yeah, Who was next?

Ally: there were some people eliminated by the trap, and an innocent shot another innocent, eliminating them both. That left us, Ashley, Dingus Is Lost and Nova.

Archito the Cheeto: and Dingus Is Lost was next.

Ally: Entity303 noticed them eliminated.

Archito the Cheeto and Alisha: *look at Entity303 Love*

Entity303 Love: *sighs* guess that's one for me?

Ally: Yeah, Sorry. Next was Ashley. I can remember seeing Entity303 Love there too though.

Entity303 Love: technically you saw my cloak.

Archito the Cheeto: Yeah *laughs*

Ally: *rolls eyes under blind fold* so who would this one go to?

Alisha and Entity303 Love: *look at each other then to Archito the Cheeto

Archito the Cheeto: Don't look at me! I can't choose between Sabre and Entity303

Entity303 Love: it's not about that anymore!

Archito the Cheeto: well whatever! Um...

Ally: *looks at Entity303 Love* shall we say this ones unknown?

Entity303 Love: k

Archito the Cheeto: Well at least I didn't have to choose. Wasn't Nova the last one?

Ally: Yeah

Archito the Cheeto: who found her?

Entity303 Love: ... I did

Ally: alright... that leaves you most likely to be murderer, Entity303 Love

Entity303 Love: But it's not me!

Archito the Cheeto and Ally hesitantly take out their bows. Entity303 Love looks at them with wide eyes. They both shoot their arrows. Entity303 Love side steps and dodges both arrows, then runs across the trap. There wasn't enough time to pull the lever, so they both just got another arrow and aimed it at Entity303 Love. First Ally shot, then Archito the Cheeto. Entity303 Love quickly took out his bow, aimed it and fired at one of the arrows. It glided through the air and hit the first arrow, deflecting it. Though, the second arrow was still coming. It hit Entity303 Love and she fell to the ground, eliminated.

Ally: ... it's done... did we win?

Archito the Cheeto: ...not quite

Ally: What do you-

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