Chapter Twenty-Nine: The King and I

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"What I hate is nasty, ugly people." - Karl Lagerfeld

Mr. Holmes POV:

The morning went quiet well, but of course not everything stays okay. 

It all started at 5:30 when I had woken up. I watched my wife cook breakfast, she looked so weird, I never really told my wife, how odd looking she really was.

Yes, I love her.. Though there were things that turned me off. For instants, her big nose, and how she liked to cut her hair so short, and her man hands. Everything else seemed quiet fine about her, but for some reason, there was more of me that hated her then loved her. 

Iv'e been married to her for 12 years, and there were parts of me wishing for me, and a part of me, who hated it all from the beginning. The only thing keeping me from divorcing her, was the casual affairs she had no clue about and how sensitive she was. I knew if I told her, which I wanted to tell her every day of my life, but could not. She would break down, and fall apart. She needed me. 

I think a part of that wasn't the truth. Maybe I would break down and fall apart, inch by inch. Who know's. I love my wife, but hate her. 

You may think I am crazy for saying that, but it's rational and understandable. 

It's a love hate relationship on my hands. While on her's, her fairy tell romance story.

I treated her the way she wanted to be treated, never yelled at her, never raised my voice, never laid my aweful hands on her. 

I gave her pleasure, I gave her what she wanted. Me. Simply me, but she gave me nothing. She tried, and I'd lie just for her, but she isn't what I want. And she must not know. 

That early morning progressed, and I ate food, and told my wife how much I loved her, and wish I could stay all day with her. That was all a lie, but she must hear it the way she wants it.

I cheated several times with other women.

I left around 6:20 and headed towards the school.

I unlocked the front door's of the High School, looking at my watch in the process of doing so. 6:45. I heard a car pull in  behind me, and turned to see Devin's show off car. I wasn't quiet fond of the man, he sort of got on my nerves, his clothing, his car's, his attitude. Didn't even see him before, but at first glance I didn't like him. And I was assuming he felt the same way towards me. 

I was staring at Devin, without him knowing, he watched Melody talk. 

He looked at me, and we held onto each other eyes for a brief moment. 

I looked at Melody. She was so amazing. Her body, her hair, her lips, her petite hands, everything on her was small. She was perfect. 

The way she presents her self. Self conscience, weak, bruised. 

She didn't bother to look at me, she looked at Devin and gave him her best smile. 

I could only see half of her face, the look on Devins face was priceless, he didn't expect her to say whatever she had said to him. 

He drove off waving, and Melody looked at me.

Why couldn't my wife be like her. 

She's perfect, she'd be amazing for me.

She looked at me, and gave me a weak smile. I held the door for her.

" Good Morning Melody." 

" Hi Holmes." She said quietly, walking past me quickly. The rest of the student's were now arriving, and I didn't bother to hold the door for them. 

I walked behind Melody, watching her. 

I walked past her and opened the drama doors, and walked in. 

The rest of the class took their seats. They all looked up at me with wandering eyes. 

" Okay students, I have good news." I slapped my hands together. 

" You all know the play was going to be a surprise, and today would have been our first rehearsal. I have changed the play. It was suppose to be Romeo and Juliet, and our, beautiful main actress would be starring as Juliet." I said and pointed to the little girl I knew would be back. 

" But I had changed it to The King and I." 

The student's started to talk. 

" Shh, ladies and gentleman.." 

The little girl looked as if she knew she knew she would be the main character. 

She was about to stand as I was about to point. 

" And our beautiful new actress Melody Jones will be front." 

Melody's eyes got wide, and her mouthed open to say something, but I stopped her.

"Lets get to know our characters now." I said loudly. 

The day went on, pretty boring. The class read their roles, and would merely practice. Most were talking nonchalant. 

I was mainly focused on Melody. Pacing back and forth nervously. 

Just what I had planned. 

The hours went quickly by. 

It was now 11:58. My God that was quick. 

The class left right when the clock hit 12. Melody was the first out. 

I walked out after her. 

" Melody." I called her name out, and stopped walking in the hall way. 

She stopped slowly. Tightening her hand around her book bag. 

She turned around slowly. 

"Yes, Mr. Holmes." 

I smiled and took a deep breath in, and walked to her.

" I was wondering." 

She interrupted me and said; " Mr. Holmes, I really must get going." 

I nodded slowly. .

" I just have one question."

She raised her eyebrows. 

" Would you mind coming in earlier tomorrow morning." 

Her eyes got wide.

" Uh-uh." She hesitated and stuttered. 

" I can't." She said plainly. " I'm busy." She added. 

" Mr. Holmes, I will not be coming in early any day, nor will I be staying after wards, and I will not be playing front line. Now, goodbye Mr. Holmes."

She turned and walked off.

Oh yes you will be. 

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