Chapter Twenty Three

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Tony stood in the middle of the room, people on computers surrounding them. Everyone was searching for any sign of Steve, Sam, or Bucky. When Natasha told me Bucky was at fault of the explosion I had a panic attack in the middle of the park. She had to drag me under a medic tent until I calmed down.

It took awhile for me to calm down, but Natasha was there for me every second of it. I wanted to thank her, but like I was panicking. So it was pretty hard to say anything in general.

T'Challa wants to be the one that brings Bucky in, but in his eyes you could see murder. I don't care what happens to Bucky, just as long as he is nowhere near me. I don't know what could be unleashed when we meet again. All I know is that it will be no good.

'(Y/n)?" I hear.

I look up at Tony, "Yup?"

"You alright there?"

"Yeah, just trying to keep myself sane."

"Got it."

Tony goes back to the computer screen, "I am happy you are with us on this side."

"Glad to be here."

Bucky, Sam, and Steve got off the radar about four hours ago. Tons of bodies in their trail of escape. I have no idea what is going to happen, all I know is that they are all in a lot of trouble. They don't have the law on their side.

"Tony." A agent says a few computers away from me.

Getting up quickly, moving over to his screen. It was a video of a highway speed chase. My nightmare was there, right in front of me. I know he wasn't here in person, but my heart still dropped. I took a step back, hoping it would help the pain a little bit.

But it didn't.

I bite my lip as I continue watching. Steve is chasing Bucky in a car, a cop car I think. There is someone attached to the back of the car, hitching a ride. I know that he is an enemy, only because I have no idea who is behind the mask. Sam was far behind as he tailed a bunch of cop cars.

"Five minutes till you are there? Faster." Tony says from behind me.

My head turns to look over my shoulder at the male, I give him a questionable look. "Rhodes." He says.

I nod my head as I turn back to the screen. Cops have the four surrounded, guns raised. Bucky's arms were restrained, making him vulnerable. Rhodes hits the ground, raising his arms at the criminals. They were speaking, but nobody could hear what they said.


Steve and I lock eyes as he walks into the room. Sam comes in after, then T'Challa. My eyebrows curl up in confusion as I look at him. He must of been the unknown person in that battle. I am guessing he wants revenge for his father. I mean I don't blame him.

"I am guessing we aren't getting our uniforms back for a while?" Steve asks Tony.

"Nope." The billionaire says, a stern look on his face.

"I better not see anyone flying in my suit at anytime." Sam growls.

Sam walks away from the group angrily. Tony guides Steve into the glass room in the middle a room, probably for privacy. Natasha walks away, but pats my shoulder as she leaves.

"So woman of one secret, where do I go?" T'Challa asks.

"You can just sit at my temporary desk right here, I am not using it." I guide the prince to my desk.

"So when am I going to learn that one secret?"

I let out a long sigh, "I think very soon."

"Good! I am intrigued by you."

I smile at the prince before going into the glass room. Steve walks past me, an angry look on his face. I sit down next to Tony, patting his shoulder. The look on Tony's face looks a little pained, I am guessing he didn't get Steves signature.

"If I knew this was going to happen I wouldn't have broke out dads pens.' the male says angrily.

"Well you tried, that's a plus." I try to make the air a little happier.

"We just aren't a team without the captain. I wish I could punch him in his perfect teeth sometimes."

"Sir." Someone enters the room.

"Agent Carter, what can I do for you?" Tony says standing up.

"We need Steve and Sam to be close to here so we can watch them, where should I bring them?"

"They can come here. That way we can really watch them. Is Barnes ready for interrogation?"

"Yup, ready for your word."

"Alright, well Steve just left the room so bring him back. (Y/n) stay here and watch them please."

Tony leaves with the agent. A few seconds later Steve and Sam come walking in, finding a seat at the table. Steve looks at me, "He remembers you."

I look down at my hands, not wanting to answer. Even if I do answer, what do I even say. It is really weird to even think about. His best friend is overly obsessed with his ex girlfriend. Such a great conversation starter.

"Here are your receipts for your weapons." Agent carter says coming back into the room.

She hands the two boys pieces of paper. Sam's face scrunches up as he read what is on it, "Bird costume?"

"I didn't come up with it."

The screens in the room lit up, the interrogation has started. Bucky's face looks up at the camera,at me, making my heart drop again. Swiftly, I get up from my seated position and leave. I walk into the hallway, taking multiple turns to get as far away as possible. People gave me confused looked as I push pass them.

I decide to go to the lobby, knowing there is a small cafe there. I order a simple black coffee, hoping it will calm my anxiety. My finger drums against the table as my knee bounces to an unknown beat. The coffee steamed on the table in front of me. I have a sinking feeling in my gut, and I know it is a bad feeling. Are your gut feeling always right?

My heart jumps at the sound of an alarm going off. The workers in the cafe all stop, looking around. I take a quick sip of the hot coffee before I stand up from the chair. I am guessing that the alarm means something is wrong. Like I said, gut feelings are almost always correct.

I walk to the lobby of the building, towards the center of the room. People push past me as I stay where I am. Screams come from multiple people, a scared look on their faces. What is going on? I spin in circles, wishing to answer my questions.

"What's happening?" I ask out loud. Everyone just glances at me as they continue to push pass me.

When most of the people file out of the building I can finally move around. The door to my right flies open, the door getting broken from the force. A figure runs straight towards me, almost like they were going to knock me over. But they stop.

That's when I took notice on who the person was.

Hey guys, I would love it if you could give me some ideas. If I have good ideas, maybe I could possibly fit writing into my schedule. Plz help

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