first day

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russia's POV
I wake up feeling like I was dead,I groan.
today is the first day of 8th grade.
I check the time and, of course, it's 8:00 am. I get up and check how the weather is gonna be today.The usual, cold, of course. i put on a black adidas hoodie and white jeans with black converse.

I go downstairs to meet with my dad and ukraine,"good morning",i said." good morning" said ussr,my dad.

ukraine is shoving cereal down his throat so he doesn't say anything.

i sit down and notice belarus isn't there.

"where's bela?" i ask. "she hasn't woken up yet, will you go wake her up?" asks ussr.

i start walking upstairs and knock on my sisters door."belarus? are you awake??" i ask.

no response.

i open the door to find her sleeping. i punch her lightly so she wakes up.
time skip
i'm at school, bored out of my mind. the bell rings and now we go to our first class

"great" i say ironically.

my siblings aren't in the same year as me so i didn't know who i would sit with and hoped that we had assigned seats.

i walked in and my prayers were heard, the teacher made us line up and told us where we would sit.
we he said my seat, my heart dropped, i regret wanting assigned seats.

america, just my luck, we hated eachother and yet we have to sit next to eachother for the rest of the year?! wow.

time skip to end of school
"hey rus?" says ukraine.
"canada is having a party because it's the first day. me and bela are going to do you wanna go?" says ukraine.
i hesitated but decided i should go.
i wasn't really friends with canada but ukraine was and i had to make sure my little siblings didn't get hurt.
at the party(sorry for so many time skips)

we arrived at the party, i cringed at the though of having to see america, but i had to go because of my siblings.

later in the party some kids were playing truth or dare, my siblings and i decided to join.
belarus dared me to get locked in a room with america, otherwise we would have to kiss.

me and america looked at eachother, cringing hard af.
"NO WAY IN HELL IM DOING THAT!" said america.
"for the first time i agree with you" i said
"THEN KISS!!!" said ukraine and belarus pushing america and i closer.

i'm resisting but my hand slips and our faces end up getting pretty close. i start blushing and heating up, so does america.
"fuck it" says america.
he kisses me and i felt like the world stopped, i kinda liked it? but i'm not gay, definitely not, even if i was why would i be into HIM?!
———- cliffhanger kekekekekekrkfksjfj
sorry to end it here but i'm evil kekekekeke

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