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First of all number one.
-BTS is getting really overrated.
I know ya'll triggered armies won't face the truth but is is true for me, although BTS is my bias group I kinda think they are getting to overrated due to their popularity.
-Shipping kpop idols from different groups is dumb.
I purposely think shipping is fine but I think when it goes to far it gets really out of hand. The reason why I don't ship idols with other idols is because I respect their privacy. Its not fair to ship them with a person who they barely even know or love.
-TXT are like professional kpop idols
I know I know, they just debuted a few months ago but it seems like they are professional kpop idols.
-I think girl groups dances are easy compared to boy group dances
Like compare Forever young by BlackPink to Monster by EXO

You see how girl's choreographies are easier than boys, its sad how they can show their talented dance moves.
-I don't like Jeon Somi.
Yes, ever since she joined the black label I started hating on her the 2001 born star had a cheerful and naive image as a JYP trainee and she completely changed into a sexy and controversial woman. The way she dresses is not suitable for her age.
Thats all the unpopular kpop opinions I have in this book, I'll make a 2nd one if you would like okay bye.

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