Opinions 9

73 2 1

I love Run Away by TXT- I kinda have a love hate relationship with it though, but don't come @ me.

Opinions about itzy:
1.Talk singing-I actually found this cute, but after listening to Dalla Dalla and Icy it kinda got annoying for me.

2.Their stage outfits-Like seriously have you seen their outfits, they look like Goddesses.

3. I liked Lia's voice in Dalla Dalla

4.Yeji should be Center-To be honest I kinda feel like Yeji deserves the title of Center because of her talent, okay I'm not saying that Ryujin is untalented but what I'm trying to say is Yeji's talent is on a whole other level.

Rosè should sing in a deep voice-As you may now, Rosè sings in a fake voice. Which I'm kinda worried about since singing in a fake voice may ruin her vocal chords permanently, anyways Rosè' real voice is actually deeper than her fake voice and I actually prefer her singing in her real voice than the high pitched nasally one.

I don't like Somi's voice-After listening to birthday for a few times, I'm kinda starting to get annoyed by Somi's nasally voice.

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