Final Conversion: 1455 / Bad Ending

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Frisk didn't need to guess why her own friends had tried to mindlessly attack her. The human could also see these eight were not under their own control. Something had enslaved them, and so, Frisk watched her attacks upon them. Paired with another soul with much more power, the unimaginably strong human could knock out any one of them with ease, and quickly knocked down Alphys and Asgore. Monster Kid nearly landed an attack upon her, but soon, the other child was down too.

Their necks! Each of them has a device on their necks! She realized as she dodged an attack from Mettaton and Undyne in tandem. It seemed that whatever controlled them could make any two of them act together, as the remaining five then tried to join forces.

Frisk was confident whatever had sent them here had miscalculated. Toriel and Sans were next down, leaving only Mettaton and Undyne, plus Papyrus. Whatever controlled them didn't let them have fear, despite all of their other comrades having been knocked out. Papyrus held back as the other two ran forward and fell.

"Whatever is controlling you, I promise I'll help you escape," Frisk told the tall Skeleton. The scarlet-eyed monster ignored her.

...Papyrus then struck. Frisk cried out in surprise as he moved quickly, but she managed to knock him down. He fell to the ground, eyes closed. Frisk bent down, reaching for the device on his neck to see if it would resist being removed. Suddenly, the eyes darted open, and her SOUL was turned blue. The other seven then stood.

"A trick? You all faked it?! " Frisk yelled in surprise, feeling her body beyond her control.

The Skeleton then held out a similar device. Trying to resist, but failing, Frisk took it. Struggling all the way, but with the blue magic pinning her to the ground, the device neared her neck.

"I... have to... resist..." Frisk stuttered, seconds before resistance was futile. The device clamped on, and like the eight that had defeated her, she stood stiffly to attention.

"System online. Host body fully functional, no damage to report," Unit Designation 1455 reported. The Voice was ecstatic.

"Excellent! This is the first victory of many! Soon, we shall claim more humans, and then, we shall be INVINCIBLE!!!" It gleefully concluded. The nine mind-controlled drones stood, awaiting orders, as the voice decided how best to use the latest power it had...

Satisfied, Gaster materialized in front of his puppets now willing to do anything that he ordered them to. He gave a smirk, lining his finger over Sans's chin, the latter giving absolutely no reaction. His own creation, who had rebelled against him until the end, turned into a mindless slaving robot... A rush of malicious glee ran through him like water.

As Frisk stood mindlessly swaying alongside her other brainwashed friends, it seemed it was officially over—for her AND her useless allies.

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