Chapter 18; Husband & Wife

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[ Bella Thorne As Ivory Rose ]

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[ Bella Thorne As Ivory Rose ]

Lucifer looked at his father whilst sighing in disappointment. They both exchanged looks while signing paper work. The awkward silence was eating them up inside.

"You submitted to her. I'm disappointed Lucifer. You stay tarnishing are reputation as Everbloods." Michael, his father growled while Lucifer's eyes glowed that bright crystal green in anger.

The man stood quite continuing to sign papers as Michael glanced up at his son to see him not paying attention.

"You are a King! A king! You should be keeping this kingdom alive and not loving....! I don't understand where I went wrong? Lucifer you are supposed to be the king of all demonic creatures... I did not raise a coward. You either get your life together or I'll hand the crown down to Luke." Michael explained while Lucifer was tired of his fathers empty threats. He had gotten fed up and stood up slamming his pen on his desk.

"For the love of the angels! Shut up father, how dare you say I tarnish this kingdom. This... ALL OF THIS CITY IS BUILT BECAUSE OF WHO? ME! You're bloody son! Your oldest. Ivy is the Queen.. THE QUEEN OF ARDENIUM. I'm not sure what your realizing father but she is powerful... our mother was an angel and you turned her into a demonblooded creature. Yet she still speaks to the angel queen. I don't understand where you're head is at.. but if you release me and give the crown to Luke.. ALL hell will be released and a war will start."  Lucifer exclaimed whilst the castle shook with Lucifer's rage that had been released.

"Is that a threat... son?"

"It's a promise father. Mother would not agree. The council would not agree. No one will, remember father. You need all the kings and queens to agree.. so try me." Lucifer growled while Michael stood up from the chair walking out the room slamming the door while Lucifer growled having a weird feeling open in his heart.


Ivy returned back from school and the weekend was now on, she was able to get used to swimming with her tail and now figured out that salt water activated her transformation symbol.

She slowly got used to do things underwater, and was able to fully control her powers.

"So far what are you're powers?" Aldetree asked while Ivy grabbed a clam from the sand holding it in her palms.

"Well, i have started taking notes. I can control the weather and the water with my emotions. When I got upset with Lucifer I saw the waves growing higher and the clouds started getting gray. I can control things with my mind. There is also not to mention I don't need a symbol for strength or speed. I was able to draw the fire symbol with my fingers and kinda got my hair on fire but I was able to work through it.. umm then there's this.. ready?" She asked Aldetree while she used the water to make a small whirlpool that turned him in circles.

"Woah..." Aldetree chuckled while Ivy put her hands down releasing him from her power.

"It's odd.. also I can see people hearts.. and emotions. Like I can see if there heartbroken or something of the sort. It's like I can.."

"Feel there pain." Aldetree said while his heart glowed bright orange. She looked up at him watching his pure black tail waving against the water.

Ivy grabbed her hand placing it on his bare chest feeling a shock through her body while her body fired with electricity pushing her back heavily.

"Aldetree.." she whispered while the boy raced to her picking her up bridal style. During the shock wave, she was pushed back to a rock.

"Ivy... shhhh." He said while turning around seeing a portal being opened. Ivy dragged her fingers on the healing symbol as her bones cracked and a sudden her sister popped up watching Ivy gasp.

"By the angels! Ivy! You're. . . Aldetree." She gritted through her teeth grabbing her trident while Ivy exclaimed swimming in front of him.

"No! No no... he didn't do anything, I... it was something different going on. " she said while Ivory arched a brow crossing her arms.

"Ivy.. I- sister... you're mate, who is it?" She asked while Ivy gulped looking at Aldetree who had a slight flash a pain cross his eyes.

"Lucifer.. Lucifer everblood." Ivy was forced to say while Ivory grown tense in fear her bright pink hair floating throughout the water.

"Ivy... you are aware that he might of killed our mother.. correct?!" Ivory exclaims while slamming her trident on the floor creating a loud thunder clap through the sky.

The girl jump while Aldetree grabbed Ivy's hand.

"I have to go Ivory..." Ivy said while her sister shook her head.

"I'm coming with you. You're not going in there alone, we have many things to talk about."

"Ivory, please do not start war. Lucifer is changed, he is a different man now."

"Whatever you say sister.."


"Bloody hell! Ivy where have you been?" Lucifer said hugging her tightly while both Aldetree and Ivory stood next to her.

"I needed to go for a swim. Relax." Ivy growled while Lucifer felt a slight sting in his heart because of her attitude. "Very well.. Ivory Rose... Aldetree Delamore. What brings you here?" Lucifer asked as they all entered to be greeted by the rest of the everblood family.

"Lucifer Everblood. The man who caused the biggest betrayal of the centuries. It's suprising to see how you've grown up. After betrayed our mother I'm shocked that you got paired with my dearest.. sister." Ivory growled while Ivy turned around growling at her sister.

Her eyes turned bright pink in anger while her symbol of strength glowed.

"Mine." Someone whispered while Aldetree saw a man, Luke gazing his eyes at Ivory.

"We have a problem..." Aldetree whispered while Ivy looked at Luke then Ivory seeing there eyes both glow a different color.


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