Chapter 1: the meeting

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Ruby jumped over a fallen tree and then slid under a large vine, the sounds of the schnee heiress running behind her getting more distant. Ruby was a bandit, but was also a werewolf. She had stolen a few pieces of food from a schnee hunter camp a few miles back and was now being chased.

"Get back here!" The leader of the camps voice yelled out. Ruby turned her head to look at her and stuck her tongue out.

Weiss was the leader of the hunter camp and had seen Ruby take half of their food supply, she promptly ordered her men to get ready for a battle and went after the werewolf herself. Ruby had stolen thousands of dollars in supplies from her father and Weiss was determined to catch her. Ruby saw a steep slope up ahead and then saw a sturdy looking tree, she used her boosted jump ability to grab the branch of the tree and pull herself into the tree. Weiss didn't see the slope and went tumbling down it, hurting herself pretty badly in the process.

Ruby might have been a bandit but she wasn't heartless, if she left Weiss out here in the woods injured and alone she would surely perish. Ruby dropped out of the tree and carefully went down the slope. At the bottom Weiss lay unconscious with atleast one broken bone and blood gushing from her nose. Ruby turned wolf and picked Weiss up on her back, it took her a few seconds to decide to take Weiss back to her packs territory heal her then send her back to the hunter camp. Although she was worried her pack would criticize her for bringing a schnee back, but she was the alpha she makes her own decisions.

Ruby gently carried Weiss back to her territory and got shot a few glares and questioning looks from her friends, but she just glared back as a warning. When she got to her cabin she turned human and laid Weiss down on a cot and promptly began tending to her wounds. Turns out Weiss had broken two ribs, her ankle, and her nose, she also bruised her tail bone and got a concussion. Ruby was getting increasingly worried that Weiss was to injured to get back to her camp on her own, she was torn from her thoughts when her sister knocked loudly on her door.

"Come in!" Ruby yelled and heard the clicking of a door opening 

"So, why exactly is a schnee here?" Yang asked and leaned on the wall next to Ruby

"She got injured chasing me and I couldn't just leave her there" Ruby shrugged and applied a bandage to a cut on Weiss' cheek

"Ruby, she's a monster hunter, when she wakes up she'll kill us all"

"You really think a single monster hunter can beat at least a dozen werewolves?" 

"She could call for backup"

Ruby held up Weiss' scroll "not without this she can't, plus all her weapons are over there" ruby pointed to a pile of all the weapons she confiscated from Weiss

"Ruby that doesn't change any-" Ruby cut her sister off

"Yang, let me tend to her wounds in peace please?" 

"If she kills us all I'm going to tell you I told you so for an eternity" Yang sarcastically said and left her sister 

Ruby felt very awkward removing Weiss' shirt to put a splint on her side and put bandages over all the cuts on her torso. When Ruby finished patching up Weiss she was wearing nothing but a tank top and a pair of sweat pants that Ruby put on her, the many bandages and the splint for her broken bones. Ruby sat on the bed beside Weiss, the heiress rolled over and shivered softly. Ruby took notice of the ivory haired girls shivering and sat up to put the blanket on her.

Weiss woke up hours later and in a lot of pain, but covered in a warm material. She opened her eyes and looked around at the cozy wooden cabin and then spotted the two black wolf ears near her bed.

"You!" She yelled in a raspy voice

"Huh? Oh! You're awake" 

"Where the hell did you take me, and where are my clothes!" Weiss scooted back away from Ruby

"Woah woah, calm down, you were injured and I didn't want to leave you there" Ruby put her hands up in surrender

"You injured me!?"

"What, no, no, no, you fell down a slope and broke a few bones. Which I suggest being mindful of" Ruby pointed to the splint on her side

"You expect me to believe a werewolf was the one to save me?" Weiss hissed and narrowed her eyes 

"Here, you're awake now, I'll walk you back to your camp and that'll be the end of this" Ruby stood up from the stool she was sitting on and reached out to help Weiss up but she smacked her hands away and backed up

"Geez what is your problem" Ruby grumbled 

"My problem is being kidnapped!" 

"Could you at least try and be great full that I saved your life?!?" Ruby snapped and her wolf ears flattened on her head in anger

"You're a werewolf! I'm a monster hunter! You should've killed me!" 

"You know, you're being kind of a bitch right now" Ruby crossed her arms now I'm beginning to regret saving her life

"Me, a bitch? You're a mutt!" The moment Weiss said that she regretted it cause Ruby's ears went down and her tail and shoulders drooped

"I...I'm sorry" Weis stuttered and looked away "that was rude of me"


"I really am sorry, I wasn't thinking" Weiss looked back to ruby to see her silver eyes watching her carefully 

"It's fine" Ruby mumbled softly and sat back down on the stool "Can you walk?" Ruby asked in a soft tone

"I don't know..."

"Here, let me help" Ruby stood up and held her hand out to Weiss, who took it.

Ruby helped Weiss stand up and the heiress immediately grabbed onto her elbows for support. Weiss tried to take a few steps forward but winced in pain and lost her balance but Ruby caught her 

"Sorry we don't have any crutches or something like that" Ruby apologized and sat Weiss down on the bed

"It's ok, it's not your fault"

"I could carry you back to your camp, but I'm not sure I'll be welcomed or we co-" Ruby was cut off by Weiss grabbing her hand

"Ruby, it's ok, I'll stay here until I can walk. I'll send a message to my men explaining I'm in a hospital and won't return for a little while" Weiss calmly said and released her hand

"Are you sure that's ok? I mean the whole werewolf monster hunter thing..." Ruby scratched her cheek nervously 

"Yes I'm sure, you saved my life. I just hope housing me isn't to much" 

"Ok then... I'll go set up the extra bed" Ruby hastily said and dashed away with inhuman speed, once she had left Weiss gently laid back down and drifted off to sleep

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