Chapter 2: Tension

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A/N It tis I, monolithrose, I'm going to try and be serious about this story and not forget it exists in a month. I'll try and update at least once a week, I'm trying something new and doing a slowburn fic. I have never done a slow burn fic so I apologize I'm not very good at it. I mainly do one shots of AU's where the characters are already dating so this all very new to me. I'm not the most experienced writer and don't have an editing program, so there is going to be many mistakes. I am sorry.  Now onto the story!

After Ruby had set up an extra bed for Weiss and changed into pajamas since it had fallen into night time, she knew she had to wake her up after she noticed Weiss had fallen back asleep.

"Weeeiss, wake up" Ruby softly said and shook Weiss' arm 

"Noooo" She groaned and rolled over, her back facing Ruby

"Weiss, at least move to anywhere that isn't my bed"

"Your bed is comfortable though" 

"Exactly why I want to sleep on it" 

Weiss craned her neck to glare at Ruby with a tired look in her crystal blue eyes.

"We can do this the hard way or the easy way Weiss" Ruby put her hands on her hips 

"Hard way." Weiss challenged

"You're gonna regret that" Ruby chuckled, grabbed Weiss' shoulder and rolled her over

Once Ruby had rolled Weiss over she grabbed her other shoulder and pulled her off the bed, causing Weiss to squeal. Ruby had put the bed next to her own and she landed on it instead of the floor. 

"Ruby! What the hell!" Weiss yelled and sat up on her elbows

"You chose the hard way" Ruby shrugged and jumped into her own bed

"I'm injured I have an excuse to sleep in the big bed" Weiss spat back and pushed herself up onto her knees to face Ruby

"Hi injured, I'm Ruby Rose" 

"Don't be cheeky" Weiss narrowed her eyes

"Welp, goodnight" Ruby laughed and flung the blanket over herself

Weiss puffed her cheeks out in a pout and glared, causing Ruby to giggle

"Here, you can have this blanket" Ruby said and sat up and pulled the blanket off of herself

Ruby threw the blanket over Weiss' head, causing her to let out a small 'eep!'.  Ruby patted the lump of blankets head before taking the other blanket off the bed, Weiss was sitting on bundling up and laying down. Weiss struggled a bit before taking the blanket off her head and glaring at Ruby, who was laughing. 

"I have never dealt with someone as annoying as you" Weiss grumbled and wrapped herself up in the blanket

"I've never dealt with someone as bitchy as you" Ruby quipped

Weiss huffed, flopped into bed, and turned her back to Ruby causing the werewolf to laugh even harder. 

"Stop laughing and go to sleep" Weiss hissed

"Ok, Ok" Ruby laughed and rolled over so her back was facing Weiss' back


In the morning Ruby woke up before Weiss, grabbed her clothing and went into the bathroom to change. When she came out Weiss was sitting up in bed and tiredly Rubbing her eyes.

"morning, ice queen" Ruby greeted and stretched her arms

"Don't call me that" Weiss tiredly growled 

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