Going home pt 1

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A/N This chapter is going to be two parts, school gets out late for me so I'm still finishing tests and shit so the next part is going to be out hopefully next month. 

Weiss was torn, does she stay with the girl who's risking her and her packs safety to make sure she's safe, or does she go back to the life where she never needs to work and gets everything she wants handed to her. Ruby and her friends always seem to be fighting to survive and Weiss never really needed to fight for anything. Though she's never felt at home whenever she was at her fathers mansion, everyone there was cold and distant while everyone here seemed to be close and though no one seems to like her very much, Ruby seems more than happy to have Weiss around. 

Happiness or Wealth was her choices, she was slowly getting better thanks to Ruby's extraordinary healing abilities. True, she didn't like the red head very much but she's just so determined to help everyone and seems to be an amazing leader. No wonder she's capable of stealing thousands from one of the largest companies in the world.

It had been about a week since she first woke up in Ruby's cabin and now she could walk perfectly without any help though her rib cage still hurt. Weiss sighed and looked out at the sky. She was sitting out in the training fields watching Ruby gracefully jump and run around the field with a giant scythe and cutting up potato sacks on sticks. 

Weiss knew she had more than enough time but a little thinking couldn't hurt. Wrong, it did in fact hurt. She was constantly thinking, weighing her options and very slowly isolating herself again.

Ruby noticed that Weiss had been a bit more distant lately and was determined to fix that. She knew from the little Weiss had told about herself that she was an amazing fencer and truly enjoyed the sport. Her bright idea was to give Weiss her rapier back and let her do a few slashes against the makeshift training dummies in the field, under very close supervision of course.

That was also the reason she had dragged Weiss all the way out here, with the heiress complaining the whole way. Once Ruby had demolished half of the dummies she called Weiss over.

"Hey Weiss! Come here, I have a present for you!" she could basically feel the heiress' eye roll

begrudgingly, Weiss stood up and brushed off the pair of pants she was currently borrowing and walked over to where Ruby was standing.


"Hold on just one second" With that Ruby dashed over to the tree trunk where she had hidden the blade and grabbed it

"Ta da!" She happily exclaimed and help up the rapier. Weiss just sent her a questioning look

"You've seemed kind of, distant lately and I thought that maybe being able to fence would cheer you up!" Ruby had that overly cheery smile on her face. meanwhile Weiss stood flabbergasted, Ruby had made it very clear that she didn't trust her enough for weapons (which was fair)

"b-but aren't you...afraid I'll hurt you..." Weiss hugged her arms and looked away

"Kind of,  but I'm not too worried!" Ruby gestured to the scythe resting on a fallen tree "Plus, I have this"

Weiss hesitantly reached out to take the rapier from Ruby's hand, when she had grasped the handle the werewolf sent her a firm look as if saying 'betray my trust and I will kill you' before releasing the handle. Ruby grabbed the scythe and held it tightly in her hand next to her side, just incase

"Well, you just gonna hold it are you gonna kick the dummies asses?" Ruby chuckled after a few minutes of Weiss just staring at the rapier in shock

"...yeah, ok..." Weiss nervously muttered and got into a stance to attack

She took a deep breathe before dashing forward and plunging her sword into the chest of one of the makeshift dummies. She slashed at it a few more times before she stepped back and took another deep breathe

"Havin fun?" Ruby's voice startled Weiss

"Yeah, it is kind of nice to fight again" Weiss replied 

"Wanna spar?" Ruby cautiously asked as if she was asking Weiss to give up her life for her

Weiss spun around to face Ruby before speaking "but what if I hurt you...I really don't wanna do that...even if it's by accident..." her voice was small and hesitant

Ruby could tell Weiss was having a hard time processing this all, first she had told her that she wouldn't give her back any of her weapons and now she was asking Weiss to fight her. Ruby reached out to gingerly grab her arm, causing Weiss to jump again and look at Ruby with a look of fear. Probably scared that she was mad at her.

"How about this, we go easy and just do a couple of hits and slashes, we even have a chest around here with shields and heavier armor if it makes you feel better" she started "We don't even have to fight if you don't want to" Ruby gave her a comforting smile

Weiss shook her head "I would feel a lot better if we just stuck to hurting the dummies than each other"  

Ruby was glad Weiss was honest about it instead of doing something she didn't to just to make her happy. Ruby smiled and out of instinct more than choice, she leaned forward and softly put her arms around Weiss in a hug. Weiss hadn't been hugged in years so this was surely a surprise to her, she froze and dropped her sword in shock. 

Ruby felt Weiss tense and immediately pulled back mumbling apologies. Weiss stood in shock and slight disappointment at the lack of Ruby's warmth. Once she got over the shock Weiss realized how much she actually liked the hug. 

"Weiss I'm sorry I didn't mean to and-" Ruby continued to ramble but was cut off by Weiss hugging her. Now it was Ruby's turn to be shocked

After a couple seconds she wrapped her arms around the girl and smiled. She could tell Weiss wasn't the one to initiate hugs so this made her feel special. The hug lasted a solid minute before they pulled away from each other and Ruby smiled again.

She reached down and picked up Weiss' rapier and handed it to her, Weiss gingerly grabbed it and got a look of determination.

"Instead of sparring how about we see who can destroy more dummies in a span of a few minutes" Weiss proposed 

"Great Idea! Lets do it!" Ruby also got a look of determination and went to set a few more dummies for the challenge.

A/N hhhhh this is short I'm sorry, but holy shit did this get popular fast! 19 in whiterose! Even after only two chapters written by an amateur writer people seem to like it. I have a lot of the story already set out and this chapter may seem useless atm but its important, trust me. Thank you all for the support and I once again apologize I was unable to get this up faster! The next part will be up sooner I promise.

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