Basil Tries His Best

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The boy looked back at his little sister, who's crying would attract their parents soon, and lept out the window. The ground beneath his feet shifted and the rocks tripped him. He fell flat on his face but jumped back up. He got off the gravel and quickly rolled down the streets with his homemade heelies. His parents would have never let him get them for real.

Rolling down the streets felt amazing, you could see humans, Mewmans and Monsters living together unlike the story books he used to read. They would always be about just humans, just monsters or just Mewmans. His favorite of those were the Mewmans because of the magic always shown.

Just down the street was his favorite place to hang out. Time always seemed to stop existing when he was there. He walked up to the door and gently opened it and quickly shut it behind himself.

"Well well well if it isn't Basil."

A small "Eep!" Escaped his mouth before he could stop it.

"Always so skiddish." She laughed. The best place in the world to him was a dark shed where the last hint of magic lived. "What brings you here today?" Of course, it was also a Tavern. The landlord of the tavern was a moth girl with silverly eyes. Her hair was fluffed up around her neck like a boa and two beautiful wings that reminded him of those in old story books, she was named Polyphemus.

"I need your help."

"What'd you do this time?"

"NOTHING! I was just practicing sword fighting like always and the next thing I knew Lorelei's favorite stuffie was in several peices on the floor!"

"... you destroyed your sister's plush... and want my help..."


She started laughing. "Dear, that's easy to fix, do you have it on you?"

He picked out the torn peices from his back pocket and laid it on the bar. The moth girl pulled out a silvery black and blue gun and aimed it at the shreds. A beam of light shot out of it and the peices fitted themself back together as if it was never cut.

"ThankyouThankyouThankyou! What do I owe you this time?"

"Don't worry about that right now," Polyphemus used one of her six arms and drew a chalk line on the board behind her under his name. It was the fifteenth line there. "Get back home and return it, come back tomorrow for your payment." She returned the gun to a holster at her side and waved him out.

The ride home was fast, he needed to get home quickly. He climbed back in through the window and fell on his back. Standing above him was his parents, His dad holding Lorelei.

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