Wild one

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*hazel's pov* *hazel^^^*
I'm running away from a pack of werewolves.... "ahhh shit HELP!" I screamed as I ran I couldn't shift in front of these savages I'd only slow myself down. "Calm down we got you!" My mom and sister yelled as they made a shield around me so I could get away "damn witches need to stay out of OUR territory" I'm guessing the alpha growled "we're sorry but you did not need to almost kill my son!" My mother growled as she undid her spell "thank you mom" I said tiredly running over to my sister shifting into a black cat hopping on her shoulder "wow that's so cool!" One of the younger wolves said trying to get close to me "hey wanna see something cooler!??" My sister said with a smirk  "YES!" He said, she threw me off her shoulder and told me to shift into a wolf in our mind link "here we go" she smirked. My animal shifts have always been bigger than normal, my wolf towers over all the other 'real' wolf shifters "HOLY GODDESS WHAT IS THAT?!" One of the older wolves shouted at me. "Hey get outta here shrimp!" I growled and they all ran away I soon shifted back to human.
      "Good one, now let's get going somebody's here to meet you haz!" My sister smiled grabbing my hand making me run to the house with her. "Sir I'm so sorry he got into some trouble!" My mother had gotten there before us "ah thats alright hazel, how are you dear?" The man asked my sister "I'm hazel..." I said softly with a frown "oh well then sit Im here to tell you about a job offer" he nodded hexing up a chair, I did as well sitting down "well we want you to be a new professor at our high school" he said matter of factly "but he is the same age as thos kids!" My mom yelled "yes we know and that's why we think he will be the best for this position for potions class, so What do you say??" He asked me. I nodded "sure I'll do it when do I start?" I asked tilting my head "tomorrow at 7 be there at 6 to be early, also you are our only witch in the whole school so set a good example please" he said then poofed away "oh man ok I'm going to be night!" And with that I went to bed ready to start my day tomorrow!

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