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A smoke escapes the surprisingly soft lips, he laughs as his friend playfully shoves him off.

The younger of the two chuckled as he waffed away some of the excess smoke that blew in his direction, he faked coughed as to warn Yoongi to not do it again.

"Hobi, you handled me doing that daily how come now you worried?" He raised an eyebrow at the boy in question, the sun-kissed boy pouted and narrowed his eyes at the now grey haired boy "well sorry that I don't want to get same lungs as you, I'm surprised it hadn't caught cancer yet."

Yoongi laughed as he takes the cig out by rubbing it against the wooden floor boards of his tree house, the lyrics were long forgotten in a corner, the sun was setting and Hoseok is clinging to a cushion that stinks of booze but has also a comforting scent of the boy next to him.

"I'm surprised Jake hasn't been annoying us lately," Hoseok mumbled as he looked down at his swinging legs, he's afraid of heights but for some reason being next to the elder is removing that fear of his.

"He's plotting something..." Yoongi replied that resulted on them making eye contact, "should avoid him as best you can."

"Yeah I still gotta come up with the stupid lyrics because you're not bothering to help me." The younger one reacted, he pulls out his almost torn sheet of paper with scribbles and doodles.

"Give me that and I'll help you for once, idiot." He snatched the paper that was loosely on Hoseok's hand.

"You are too bright with these lyrics." Yoongi whispered, "come again?" Hoseok had confusion written all over his face.

"It's too, I don't know, positive thinking..." He said as he scribbled out a few words and wrote in his own "sometimes not everything in life is okay, one thing I remember when I went to summer school was lyrics aren't always supposed to be about love or life it's supposed to be about how you want to express your feelings and thoughts."

As he wrote viciously some words and letters and little notes on the side that said "rap", "4/4", "fast" and "slow".

His friend was astonished by it, his eyes widen in pure amusement and felt like he had to hold his breath in fear of the now bleached hair boy might easily get distracted from his breathing, his eyes looked at his sheet and it was dark but that's how he was raised he figured.

But what truly captured his eyes was Yoongi looking more beautiful than ever, his pale skin looked more glossy against the streetlights outside and a miniature candle in the tree house, it was getting dark quicker than both the boys expected.

"Here, I don't want your dad to kill me thinking I might be corrupting you again." The oldest shoved the crumbled paper at Hoseok's chest which both faintly blushed.


"Let's just say your dad saw me as a hero for something."

"What!? No, do tell me!"


"You dickhead."

"It was asshole, now dickhead, what's next?"

"Son of a bitch."

Yoongi chuckled at how ironic it was, but he waved it off as he said bye to his best friend as he went down the ladder.

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