Chapter 4

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"What's going on over there?" I stopped, making suhyun stop as well and looked at where I'm looking. Students gathered at the bulletin and some squealed with excitement.

Suhyun and I looked at each other and decided to check it out. We looked at the bulletin board and gasped. School attack! Later at lunch. I bit my lips

"You think you can make it?" She glanced at me.

"I may need to go over the speed limit." I whispered.

"Let's just use our phones for now?" I looked at her like she committed a crime

"That's preposterous! Phone cameras don't do them justice." I ranted

"Well I did tell you to carry the camera everywhere cause you never know."

"DSLRs aren't really that handy and it isn't that lightweight to carry around." I grumbled a response

"Who do you think it'll be?" I hear excitement on her voice

"Hopefully bts. I miss sugababe sooo much." I clasped my hands together and prayed.

"Do you think you can make time for me?" I looked over to her and she thought about it.

"Plan c?" I nodded. We created plan A-Z on ways to escape school without being tagged as cutting classes. We need to graduate after all.

We walked hand in hand to our room and it turns out we'll only be having one class this morning. Okaayyy.

As soon as the school bell rang, I sprinted off to my bike.

"I'll save us a spot and bring your lunch." I smiled and drove off.

I quickly took my camera bag and went back immediately. In case of emergencies like this, I just leave my camera bag by our front door for easy access.

I was running through the hall when I bumped into someone. It felt like slow motion when my camera jolted out from my hands. I reached out to it but I was pulled back when arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me to stand up straight.

A deafening crash resounded as I looked at my camera in disbelief.

"You're welcome." My jaw dropped and my head slowly turned to a guy wearing a bucket hat. A familiar one! And a mask.

"You're welcome?!" I screeched

"Oh, I would still accept thank you." I breathed in deep. Somebody stop me before I become a criminal.

"I do not thank you! Look at what you've done to my camera?!" I pointed and the lens detached to the body.

"You were falling forward." He blinked. I held my nape, feeling my blood boiling up.


"Uh, sorry, you mean when YOU bumped into ME." Unbelievable!

"Excuse me?! I was preparing my camera when you came out of nowhere and bumped into me!"

"No. I was looking on my phone when you came out of nowhere and bumped into me!"

"I was running on the right lane!"

"See? You're at fault. Youbshould know never to run in hallways." I glared and stomped to my camera and shoved it on my bag. It's hella expensive to have that fixed. It's better to buy a new one. But we've through so much together! I feel like tearing up.

"Yah hanbin! Ppali!" I looked at the guy with a death glare.

"I will accept your apology." I clenched my jaw

"Sorry? For what?!" My fist balled on my side

"You accused me just now that I broke your camera when you did it yourself."

"I was gonna make it to it if YOU didn't touch me!" I marched towards him our faces really close so he can see my glare perfectly from his hat.

"But you were falling forwards! They said it hurts for girls to fall like that cause it hurts your... you know?" He tilted his head a bit

"My what?!" His eyes looked down to my chest.


"Well thank you for being concerned with my boobs! You think I didn't know what I'm doing?! If you know your dick would fall off would you do it?! Of course not!" He gasped and his eyes widened

"That is a bad word!"

"When did I cuss?" My brows furrowed even more

"You sa-said..." I raised my brows

"Dick?" He gasped and pointed at me. I rolled my eyes

"Dick, penis, cock, vagina." He covered his ears and glared at me. I grabbed his hand to make sure he's listening

"For your information those are body parts."

"Private body parts!" He yelled. He actually yelled

"Body parts nonetheless." I shrugged.

"You're a girl!" I snorted

"I'm a woman."

"Oh yeah? You can say those words freely but if a guy does you shout harassment!" He has a point.

"It depends on the situation you idiot! Did you feel harassed?"

"Did you just called me idiot? That's the baddest word ever! No one has ever told me that! You don't know who you are talking to!"

"I know." His friend just called him earlier. Idiot.

"Then who am I?" He stood up straight and moved towards me. I didn't falter.

"Hanbin." It was silent for a while and he was just staring at me.

"So you I'm a genius. Take that back."

"I know you're hanbin but genius? I don't think so. I'll stick with idiot." I turned to leave and made sure to swing my camera bag right on his crotch. He groaned. Bullseye. I smirked.

"Yah!" I looked back at him and faked a surprise look.

"Oh my, is that my camera seeking for justice?" He took off his mask and glared at me.

"You're gonna pay for that." He cussed and he looked kind of hot that time.

"You breaking my camera is enough payment." He was going to march towards me when a familiar face showed up.

"Yah where have you been?! Everyone's waiting." The guy looked at me then to the idiot and back at me.

"I can't believe you have time to flirt. Weren't you supposed to be allergic to girls?"

"We are not flirting!" We said at the same time

"Hayi?" I hear suhyun call

"Thank goodness. I thought you were in an accident. I was so wor--oh my god." She started hyperventilating

"Excuse us." I grabbed suhyun and walked towards the cafeteria.

"It's iKON! It's them. I MADE EYE CONTACT WITH JINHWAN!!" She fanned herself.

"Who is hanbin?" I asked and she looked at me like I have two heads

"You don't know iKON's charesmatic leader?! His stage name is B.I." huh, suits him. Big Idiot.

"Well I'm out." I said goodbye since my day is ruined and I need to check my camera and their group isn't worth my time.

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