Chapter 21

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It's been a week since that incident. Since I ran away from him. Seven days, twelve hours, thirty-three minutes and eight seconds to be exact, and I haven't heard anything from him.

You can have me. That's what he said but I haven't heard anything from him since our kiss! That jerk!

"Give me that! Do you know how many pencils you've broken already for the past week?" Suhyun snatched the pencil away from me which I have yet to victimize.

"Five?" I guessed and she rolled her eyes

"Try tripling it. I already bough of box. Do you know how many trees you're wasting?" I pouted and lpoked away, looking for something to break.

"Don't even get me started with the paper. Paper come from trees too!" She snatched the pad of paper away from my hands when she saw I rip a tiny piece of it and rolling it continuously.

"What did hanbin do this time?" She cocked a brow

"W-what about him? Who says I'm thinking about him?" I avoided her gaze

"Stop squinting your eyes. I can't see them enough." I joked and he scoffed

"As if you're looking at me. Yah. You know you can't hide something from me." She slammed his hands on my desk, making me jump on my seat.

"Park hayi. Are we really gonna do this again?" I looked at the clock and gasped

"Oh look at the time. I should go, jisoo unnie might wake up anytime soon." She frowned.

"Still no response from her?" I sadly shook my head no.

"Ok. You can go ahead. I'll come visit later." I smiled and almost sprinted to the door when she stopped me.

"Then we'll talk." She continued. Damn it. I thought she'll forget about it.

"Go now. Shoo." I groaned and walked away.

I twirled my helmet on my hand while going through the parking lot when someone grabbed me from my waist but I immediately did a split, making him crouch and kicked his foot to make him fall out of balance. My parents didn't raise no weak ass bitch and I straddled him, my helmet pressed against his face while I grabbed both his hands.

"As much as I like you the way you are seated on me right now. My body isn't completely healed, and your helmet hurts my face." I instantly removed my helmet and glared at him

"What are you? A phantom? Just suddenly disappear and then suddenly just show up." I can't help but say bitter words. He gave me a lopesided grin. I suddenly realized where we are and that he's not wearing a face mask. I quickly got up and he pouted.

"I was getting comfortable with our position."

"Then stay lying on the ground. Idiot." I walked past him and went to my motorcycle.

"You're mad. Why are you mad?" He cheekily poked my cheek and I caught his index finger, bending it a bit, making him whine to let go.

"Why are you so feisty today? Is is that time of the month?" He innocently asked

"Yah, you really have a death wish?!" J yelled, attempting to hit hin with my helmet again and he automatically shielded his hand

"I just wanted to see my girlfriend but she's getting violent on me." I froze at his words.

"Who are you calling your girlfriend?!" I bumped his shoulder and got on my bike. His eyes widened.

"T-that's yours?" I rolled my eyes at him and fixed my hair so I can put my helmet when I heard a click.

"Did you just take my picture?"

"What? You looked hot. And besides, you've taken a lot of mine, did I complain?!" He argued.

"Excuse me. I take your group's photos and mostly jinwhan cause of suhyun, not you." I put my helmet on and started the engine.

"Stop smiling like a perv." He yelled when drove away a bit.

"Yah! You're gonna leave me? My manager nor members aren't with me." I stooped and looked back at him

"You got here by yourself, you can also go home by yourself." He whined.

"Hayiii~ are you really gonna do this to your boyf-" I threatened to start my bike again

"araa ara! Not your boyfriend... yet." He whispered the last part.

"Hop in." He grinned widely and ran to my back. I took off my helmet and pushed it to him

"What's this?" His brows furrowed

"A helmet." He scoffed.

"I know. What am I gonna do with this?" He tilted his head.

"Oh I don't know maybe you can ride on it home." I sarcastically answered

"No. You put it-" I glared.

"Just put on the damn helmet or I'm gonna leave you here." He gulped and put on the helmet then got on. I smirked and readied my engine

"Yah I trust you with my liffffeeeeee waaaaaaahhhh" he yelled and grabbed on to my waist as I left the school grounds in full speed without giving him any warning. It could've been dangerous but I know what I'm doing. Besides, it's his punishment for being such a jerk.

"Yah! Where do you think you're touching!" I smacked his hand when it went to my boob.

"Eomaaaaaa, I'm sorry I did something wrooonggg." He yelled. Tss. Guess I should slow down. He wasn't even aware what he had done.

"You ok?" I bit my tongue to keep myself from laughing. He shakily got off my motorcycle and almost tripped by his own feet from shaking too much.

"I am not gonna ride that deathly vehicle ever again." He took off my helmet and glared at my bike. I snickered and shut off the engine, getting off and taking my helmet from his hands.

"We won't see each other much often then." His eyes widened

"Why not?!" He whined

"It's notike we see each other much and where I go, my motorcycle is with me." I walked past him and he exhaled.

"Fine. I'm gonna ride it again but I'm going to practice driving it so I'll drive!" He declared.

"Like your company will let you." His brows connected

"I do what I want." I shrugged and got in the elevator.


A/N: I'm sorry I haven't been able to update. Was gonna do it yesterday but it was hard for me in the light of hanbin's issue. Im still broken but I won't give up on hanbin. iKON is 7.

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