Chapter 1~The Book

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Hikari's POV

How did this happen? What is this place? What am I doing here? And why do my parents seem familiar with this place? I thought looking around, then looking at my parents. However, they started walking away from me to six other figures I couldn't make out. I started running after them, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't catch them. "Wait!" I called after them, they just kept walking into the distance until I couldn't see them anymore. "Please don't leave me..." I whispered to myself.

I woke up with a start, putting my hand to my forehead, I felt cold sweat running down it. Just another dream. I thought. I have been having these weird dreams lately and they always have my parents running to figures and leaving me behind. I feel like these dreams mean something, probably not. I thought shrugging it off. I got up and got dressed and ran down the stairs to breakfast.

"Good Morning!" I shouted to my parents. They turned to see me and smiled.

"Good Morning!" my mom, Miaka Sukunami, replied to me. While my dad, Taka Sukunami, smiled and waved to me.

I sat down at the table and scarfed down my food. "Thanks for the food!" I told my parents, while grabbing my bag while heading toward the door.

"See you after school!" Mom shouted after me, I waved back at her and walked the path I usually use to go to school. While walking I met my best friend, Daichi, on the way there.

"Hikari!" he yelled to me as I was walking up to him. Yes my name is Hikari and yes I am a boy. My parents named me this because they wanted me to shine as bright as the stars apparently.

"What's up?" I asked him as we continued walking to school, I could see it, we were almost there.

"Nothing much, parents are the same. Yours?" he asked looking at me.

"Nope, same as always." I replied to him. Our parents go way back, apparently my parents met when my mom was lost or something, then they started hanging out and Yui, Daichi's, Mom got jealous and they got into a huge fight, until she met Tetsuya, Daichi's dad, and they all lived happily ever after blah blah blah the end.

"And were here!" he shouted as he ran into the school to get to our homeroom first. Daichi likes school for some reason. The only class that interests me is world history, I like learning what other cultures did in history, don't judge me. Speaking of which, I have it first today! I got to homeroom as soon as the bell rang, we did our usual stuff and then headed off to class.

I got to history and the bell rang just as I sat down in my seat. The teacher stood in the front of the classroom and rung a bell to get our attention.

"Okay class today we will be learning about the universe of four gods. The universe of the four gods is tale from China, that is about four priestesses and their seven celestial warriors for each god," he stated looking around the class, " The four gods were named, Genbu, Byakko, Seiryu, and Suzaku. It was each priestesses duty to gather all seven warriors and summon their god."

This seems interesting enough, I thought to myself, but what project is he gonna make us do on it? How my history teacher introduces new topics is first, explaining the topic and then usually makes us do a poster or essay or something. In the direction this was going, I'm just gonna assume it's gonna be an essay.

I was jerked out of my thoughts as the teacher started talking again, "Genbu, was the first god to be summoned, under him were the stars; Uruki, Tomite, Hatsui, Namame, Hikitsu, Inami and Urumiya. Under the god Byakko there were the stars; Tatara, Tokaki, Subaru, Kokie, Amefuri, Karasuki, and Toroki. Under the god Seriryu there were the stars; Nakago, Amiboshi, Suboshi, Soi, Tomo, Ashitare and Miboshi. And finally, under Suzaku we have; Tamahome, Hotohori, Nuriko, Chichiri, Tasuki, Mitsukake and Chiriko." he finally finished.

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