Chapter 1, Day 1

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I woke up this morning, because my brother was jumping and shouting at me.

" What is that noise?! It's coming from your fish tank!" Sam yelled. I rubbed my eyes, and suddenly realized a grinding noise coming from the direction of the tank. 

"Oh, that? I need to add some water and put in a new filter." I answered calmly, almost falling back to sleep, as it was about six o-clock in the morning. I got out of bed and unplugged the filter. I asked if there had been anything serious that happened last night, and why we were up so early if we had school today.

" There was a tornado last night, and so they canceled school today!" he replied excitedly. I walked out of the room and into the kitchen. I made some scrambled eggs for breakfast. It was still pouring outside, because apparently there was "24 hour rain" that had been pounding down on our driveway and front porch all night and morning. I had finished eating and decided to go outside with Sam. After we played outside, we got soaking wet and changed into warm clothes. My mom called us into the living room, and I figured that she was telling us to tidy up our rooms and clean up the house. 

"Hey, um, I need you to pack up some important things, because they are letting out quite a lot of water out of the dam and, just in case our house floods, we may have to move out for a few days." Mom explained. I told her I would pack up, and so I went into my room and packed some of my most prized possessions. After that I put all of the stuff on the floor, some books, and some baskets on my bed to protect them from getting destroyed. My mom and I cleaned out my rabbit Alfalfa's cage. We folded it up and brought upstairs, so if there was a flood, she would be safe. It had been a few hours and nothing had happened. Currently it is 11:15 and nothing has happened yet. I'm nervous and I guess I'll just have to see what happens tomorrow :\. Byeeeeee!

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