Chapter 2, Day 2

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I woke up and rubbed my eyes, I had watched a DanTDM live stream to fall asleep because Netflix wasn't working. I opened up my laptop and started watching some YouTube videos.

"Hey, theres, like, a pretty high chance that our house is gonna get flooded." Sam stated.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I already knew that." I yawned. He noticed the iPad on the ground and gave me a "Seriously?" look. I shrugged and resumed my video I was watching. Later, I came out into the TV room to get better WiFi and saw my brother bringing stuff out to the camper.

"Are we leaving?" I asked. I couldn't hear his response, but it sounded like a muffled "I don't know." I was writing this story and I overheard this conversation between my parents and my brother, Owen.

"At about 2:15 they're going to let out enough water to be able to flood our house" told Dad.

"What are we going to do?" Owen questioned.

"We're going to leave." said my mom matter-a-factly. My dad laughed. Then he saw me and told my he got me a treat, and it was in the freezer. It was called a "Slush Puppy". Before I knew it, we were on the road. Right now (11:21) we're on the road and heading to my mom's teacher friend's house. I've got my laptop and tablet so I'll be posting more today and tomorrow.

Its currently 3:41 now and I'm at Mrs.Lacy's house watching Infinity War. Our cats are here and we're just hanging out for now. It's raining now (6:05) and there is a tornado watch. We got to bring our dogs to Mrs.Lacy's house so they wouldn't get hurt and our cats are here too. We might go into a tornado shelter at Mrs.Lacy's neighbor's house. I'm really nervous because the field next to our house got flooded and it's right next our house D: .


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