Chapter 3, Day 3

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       Today I woke up with a whack on the face. I looked up and saw the two kittens staring at me from the top of the couch. 

"Sam, your cat just slapped me in the face." I laughed. Sam looked over at the scene and laughed, too. I had laid down, trying to go back to sleep, but after a while, I got up and started watching MORE YouTube.

"Um, Maggie? Where did Tiger go?" Sam asked. I shrugged and started looking around. After I look in the bunk bed I saw Tiger standing on the couch.

"Tiger was literally IN THE COUCH!" Sam exclaimed. I picked her up and put her in her "Pet Taxi" so she wouldn't go in the couch again. I later gathered some stuff and went into Mrs.Lacy's house. Later I went swimming with Sam and played with the dog, Boomer. I went to my friend Matilda's house, but before we went to check on our house. We have two fields by our house and BOTH of them are flooded, but luckily the water hasn't touched our house YET. We went and got some smoothies for dinner and came back to where we are staying.


Sorry that there isn't much this day but there's been a lot happening today and I just haven't had time to write every thing down =(

The Flood (?)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora