Chapter Four

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After Class Brooklyn, Luke and Jace walked the halls together until he spotted the little red head that peaked his interest the night before. Elizabeth stood there, dressed in the usual uniform given but the school. She had no flare or her own personal taste to it, Brooklyn found it strange to see in comparison to the rest of the female population that attended the school. He walks over to her as she leans on her locker, waiting for her friends to arrive after class.

"Hey, why are you standing here all alone?" He starts with and a smile is etched to his face. Elizabeth jumps a little from surprise, then realises who it is. "Oh, i'm waiting for my friends." Was her only response, trying to cut off the conversation as quickly as possible before the rest of his group got knowledge of it. "So what are you doing tonight?" He asked, not getting the hint that she didn't want to talk.

Brooklyn notices her stand off attitude, Jace and Luke watching from the sidelines as he tried to muster up a plan in his head to get her talking to him. "I think i'm busy tonight." She shoots his offer down prematurely, knowing what she would get herself into if she took him up on it. Elizabeth spots Luna and Layla walking towards her, a sense of relief takes over her as she finally can escape the conversation she had no interest in having. The words from the tweet still scarred in her mind like a tattoo, hitting replay on the paragraph with each of them she saw.

He stands there, confused by her attitude and then remembers the aftermath of their last conversation. Then looks around to see if anyone is there apart from the two he approached with, feeling a sort of safety net as he notices no one was around. "I'm sorry about Charlie." He apologises. "Sometimes she just reacts like that, especially if someone knew has contact with the group. It's a thing about the social ladder at this school, most others do it as well. It doesn't mean you shouldn't feel welcome to talk to me."

Elizabeth was slightly taken back by his apology, wondering if she had ever heard Brooklyn apologise to anyone before.. The answer to that was no, no one had. "Ermm.. it's okay. I guess it happens to the best of us to fall under the wrath of Charlie at some point." She begins, worrying about saying the wrong thing in case anyone caught apart of their conversation. "It's just that I would rather avoid being under her rader again, considering how well it went last time." She smiled sweetly, hoping that he would receive the message and note it.

"Well, Charlie doesn't scare me and she shouldn't scare you either." Brooklyn states and Elizabeth doesn't buy it. From what she knew Charlie could put a fear worse than god just by giving someone the wrong look, everyone in the school feared the six. "If Charlie doesn't like who I talk to or acquaint myself with, she should stay out of my personal affairs right?" He continued and his words made sense, but she knew the social order far too well than to believe them. "I can talk to who I like Elizabeth and I chose to talk to you. I didn't realise that would be a problem, you seemed keen to talk to me before Charlie's tweet. What's changed? It's just a tweet."

Elizabeth thought about his words for a second, taking everyone of them in and re-evaluating the situation. The words were just on the tip of her tongue, the ones that would start a conversation and she wouldn't be able to look back from them afterwards. They would let Brooklyn in and all of his drama. That was until Jace approached them quickly from across the hall and gave his warning of, "Charlie's coming, let's go."

Brooklyn wondered if he should make a stand against her, then turned to see Remy and Dana by her side. The three girls walking the hall and strutting on it like it was their own personal runway. Until Charlie's eyes hit the scene before her, the anger inside growing as she saw Jace stood next to them. Then after a few short moments a smile played on her lips and she brought her phone to her hand, pointing it at them. "Smile." She called before snapping a picture of the trio, a mug shot that would soon be on all social media by the end of the school day.

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