The end is only the beginning

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The two adolescents began talking about their day, with Dio mainly complaining about how he hated the maids and butlers interfering with his affairs on a daily basis.

"So, who do I owe the honor to meeting this fine afternoon?" Dio asked swiftly.

"Ah, Jonathan. Jonathan Joestar" the boy smiled.

It seems his day was cheered up by Dio's glum outlook.

"I expect to see you later tomorrow?"

"Ah sure but I don't have anywhere to go right at this father might be wondering where I am though."

"A father huh?" Dio spat coldly. Most poor souls he'd had the affair of meeting had no parental figure whatsoever, only surviving off of their own wit and mother figures from busty women in brothels.

"Well. Then be sure to attend to your father. If I have no business to see out I will be sure to meet you back here." That bit should have been obvious, he lived there after all.

Jonathan nodded and smiled. Dio watched him go as the sky turned a dreary dark blue, only lit up by the blinding stars. Today wasn't quite as bad as it should have been, though he wondered if this "Danny" he spoke of was the disgusting creature he found sniffing around the furnace a day or two ago.

He rolled his eyes and went back to his not so humble abode. In the extravagant gardens there were servants left and right to attend to the roses covered in thorns. Dio found that he rather liked those flowers. They were scented oh so sweetly yet could easily prick your fingers if you weren't careful.

He continued into the house to be greeted once more by the servants. How annoying.

Delving into his duvet, he sighed. Knowing his father he probably wouldn't be sent to any important work. or any work at all. He would probably just be scolded as to finding a young wife and so on. He rolled over and decided to change into silky pajamas, trying to get a wink of sleep tonight.


He slept through a dreamless night, no guilt, no happiness, no emotion controlling his wit whatsoever. Just a blank canvas waiting to be thrown away once he blearily opened his eyes once more.

He groggily sat up and his stomach groaned for a delicious treat. So up he went. He plopped off his rather large bed and stretched his taut muscles out. He rubbed his eyes and headed to bathe, just before he satisfied his stomach.

A maid rushed to his side and quickly drew a warm bath for the boy. It was filled with his favorite rose scented soap and warm comforting water. It was the only time he legitimately liked being surrounded by water. Otherwise it was just pesky.

He dozed off a little in the bath and was eventually woken up again by the ringing of a bell. He rose up and dried himself off, adjourning himself in lotions and his clothes for the day. He brushed his long blonde locks and tied it back with a dark brown ribbon.

Then he finally went down to eat. It was warm and wonderful, fluffy and perfect. He washed it all down with a black tea until again, that Joestar boy caught his eye. How strange, it couldn't have been afternoon yet. He slipped his shoes on and wondered out the door.

"What are you doing here this early?" Dio asked.

"Well. You live near a nice outside area." Jonathan said, patting a tree.

Dio shrugged and walked toward where he patted.

"Tell me Jonathan, have you the brain to read?"

The blue haired boy nodded, swinging his legs. Dio had barely noticed him climbing onto the tree.

"Then won't you join me?" Dio hadn't a clue why he was spoiling this peasant, he just had something in the back of his mind telling him not to let the boy go. After all, this might be the start of a beautiful friendship.

Dio glanced at Jojo for a response, but all he got were sparkling blue eyes, shocked that a lordship like him would even let him into his home, though it wasn't quite his home yet.
He sighed and tugged Jojo's arm bringing him into his father's mansion. Jojo blushed at the hard tugging of his arm. Now this was something new.

Dio was scared for a moment that his father would catch him bringing peasants into the house when he remembered the most shocking thing! He didn't care. He let go of his hand, trusting the other boy to just follow him to he library. Personally, the library was one of Dio's favorite places in the whole mansion, besides the garden.

When they got there it was big and empty. Light glimmered on the small dust specks floating through the air. It was beautiful.

"So, what type of literature sparks your interest?" Dio flipped through the books, looking for a new book to get started on.

"A-archaeology.." Jonathan breathed out. Amazed at the sight of so many books.

"well then Jojo, you're in luck." Dio smiled wryly.

Jonathan blushed at the nickname.

He lightly touched a book speaking of ancient worlds, such as the Aztec time period. His eyes glazed over in awe.

"I'm glad you like what you see, now don't be shy, go on and get it if you want to read it." The blonde spoke clearly.

Jojo reached out a shaky hand, lacing his fingers around the book to pick it out and read it. When he finally pulled it out he began to read at once, not looking up for several minutes. Needless to say he was enraptured. Dio found pride in his library, so he took to go see what Jojo was so interested in. He leaned his head over the Joestar's shoulder almost breathing down his neck. It seemed very intriguing, no wonder he couldn't place it down.

Jojo barely noticed Dio there until the blonde spoke up, "Enjoying that book I see."

Jojo squeaked in surprise. Embarrassed to be so close to his newfound friend.

"I'm more into law, myself, to be frank." Dio said.

Hm. He should definitely keep this boy around.

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