...And then she bled

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Nothing could quite place the feelings that Dio felt towards Erina. He believed that such a lass shouldn't be placed near his Jojo. She wasn't as bad as other women that Jonathan might have had the chance of meeting, like for example an ample prostitute or a woman with the intent to use Jonathan, ridding him of his cherubic innocence. However, her equality to Jonathan in a sense of mind was unnerving in the least. He wanted Jojo for his own and Erina was nothing but a nuisance to him. Much like Jonathan's dear old dad.

So, what was a young man to do? Why what else but cold-blooded murder of course.

He made sure his plan was infallible before he made any gesture to see it through. Dio couldn't stand the thought of Jojo not trusting him. He was doing this for his own sake after all.

The plan would be sought out as soon as the streets were the busiest, during autumn, before the stroke of winter. Make her repent.

As soon as it was busy just like Dio anticipated, he kept Jojo indoors, saying it was best to keep him indoors to avoid him getting sick. As sick as it may seem he wished to compare the ill notion that he could catch whatever his father had that made him sick in the first place outdoors where it was as chilly as the steepest mountains. Jojo kept quiet and was as per usual grateful that Dio was looking out for him. He'd go to her abode, a good hefty mansion much like his own but not so broad as to seek her as upper-class as he. Hm. A bonnet, this would be good to plant at a brothel. Oh, dearie me, what's this makeup doing in Erina's quarters?

This wouldn't be good if seen by her family members, they'd think her a scantily dressed cretin. Which is unfortunate because it eventually would.

Jojo was busy in his or rather, Dio's study, doing God knows what in there. Most likely reading his little Aztec garbles.

A letter was sent to the Joestar.

It read,
" My dearest Jojo, I fear I have not the time to stay in this town, someone has planted several calumniations resorting to my father and mother sending me away...
I love you so, but I have no choice but to be sent to a nunnery. This is not the life I have expected, ironic is it not?
As always, Erina"

Jojo could not help but feel tears permeate his eyes. Curse his luck.

Dio threw a cloak on and headed out to the forest where Erina and Jojo often had their own escapades. Erina was there weeping as if expecting Jojo to come rushing out to save her, little did she know that he would not be out soon. Until after the cold winter. She sniffled miserably under the dark trees shade, she didn't even see Dio sneak next to a thickly covered oak tree. The crunch of leaves under his boot is what drove her out of her sad stoop. She blinked the tears away and let out a voice, raspy from her crying.

"J-jojo?" she asked into the darkness.

He grinned wryly and stepped under the moonlight.

"y-y-you're not....Jojo.." she whimpered.

"I'm afraid not, love." He laughed darkly. His gloved hand held a razor as sharp as steel could get. Dio licked his lips and began to approach closer.

The faster she scuttled away from the mystery man, Dio, the more determined he was to spill her blood on his blade. She tried to get up and run but tripped over the fabric of her night dress. Dio picked up the pace and reached her, grabbed her by the throat and tilted her head back.

"Don't you or your pesky little friends interact with my Jojo ever again." He whispered in her ear. He replaced her slim neck with her hair, pulling her long golden locks back to reveal her neck.

He skillfully used the blade, pressing it to her jugular, slicing it across. The blood poured into the night sky, drenching Dio in the glory of its red contents, he couldn't help but lick his lips when the blood planted on his face. He somehow found great ecstasy upon tasting it on his lips. He planned the different ways he could comfort Jojo when he got home. But first comes first, dispose of the body then rid of the evidence on himself. He dropped Erina's body on the ground carelessly which made a muffled thud when it hit the grassy ground. Dio pandered his surroundings and his eyes were eventually led to a deep river, one where Erina and Jojo must have had fun together no doubt. Splashing away at the water during the previously hot summer days. That was dimmed down to a monotonous burial ground for the girl.

It would have been funny if it wasn't so sad. Dio could almost feel himself feeling sorry for the girl, but evidently, he had to focus on the task on hand with unceremoniously dumping her cadaver in the water's deep. Her body sunk flush with no oxygen in her body. He used the cold water to rinse off the blood from his face, arms and what could be cleansed of his cloak. He'd most likely dispose of the cloak as soon as he saw a good place to get rid of it. He'd just buy another cloak anyways. It was getting old.

The blonde eighteen year old brushed his hair back with his slender fingers and began his not long trek home.

The night was not too far from early morning when he got home. Dio figured he must have spent long with the whole process for it to be this late. Jojo was fast asleep in his study, Dio smiled, sneaking up to him to kiss his comatose face. He was thankful for the quiet peaceful moments like this.

"Hm? What's this?" Dio thought, he lifted up the mask and memories of winning the odd relic at the auction came flooding back to him.

Dio lifted the stone mask to him, and brought it to his face, as to mimic what it might have been like to wear it. What he did not count on was the mask to have claws digging into his skull. The blood of his and Erina's splashed on the mask.

The Poor Man's Treasure Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora