It gets dark, It gets lonely

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Dio's limp body fell to the wooded floors of the mansion, the mask locked tight on his face. The silence hummed over the course of a quarter in time before Jonathan's eyes fluttered open from his slumber. No body whatsoever on the ground. His mind lingered towards Erina and her expedition to the nunnery. He smiled sadly imagining her as a nun, she'd be upset not being able to go outside or wear brighter colors. He sighed. He must have put his topic of research away last night because he simply couldn't find the stone mask anywhere.

His head felt as if a rusty nail had been pounded into it. He groaned and grabbed his head, complaining about the pain. He wondered where Dio was at this hour. He got up from the couch in his study walking to either freshen up slightly or just eat a light meal. The blonde was nowhere to seen. Jonathan asked one of a maids and two servants, just to be met with disappointment. Surely he'd wake up Dio himself, it wasn't gentlemanly to be asleep all day. He blushed to himself, it seems like he took to the gentleman lifestyle only a little while, and here he is judging.

Sunlight flooded into the darkened mansion, birds singing their sweet melodies to anyone willing to listen. Jonathan huffed at the lack of his friend.

"It's not like him to be asleep all day, how strange."

Pain pierced Dio's body, the little sunlight hitting his pale skin felt like agony. The young man gave a passing glance to Jonathan's sleeping body and moved into the darkness of the mansion. This could not be happening to him. The mask fell from his face onto the ground, he took it and decided it wouldn't be good to have this stupid and dangerous item near the blue haired boy.

In the darker areas of the mansion, sunlight licked in, salivating its blinding colors, filling the saddening rooms. Dio knew he had to hide or he would quite literally be toast. Grabbing a spare blanket, he threw it on his body. His body felt so cold, as if it was burning from how cold it was. So he fled to hs own chambers, closing the blinds to any window nearing the sunlight in the dismal room.

The blonde felt his brain pulsating underneath the thick protection of his skull, why was this happening to him? Sure he had committed several horrid sins but this was more painful than the threat of fire in the blazing pits of hell. He hid in his room, praying to no one in particular for the dreadful pain to ebb away.

"Master Dio?"

Dio's bloodshot eyes shot to the door, at whoever might be calling his name. He did not answer but his grumbling stomach seemed to do the job for him.

"Uh, pardon for intruding, sir, but young Jonathan wants to see you." The maid said, folding any sparse fabric strewn in the darkened room.
Dio's tongue swelled, he had never felt this starved in his life, but not for food. He wiped at his mouth, trying to wipe away any stray drool that welled in the confines of his mouth, he felt as if he could almost taste the blood of the maid. His ears pounded in sync with what he knew was the flow of the maid's blood flowing freely through her veins.

"I've seemed to have slipped, might you lift me?" he tisked internally at the notion that He, Dio, would ever be as clumsy as to slip in his own living quarters.

"Yes sir."
The older woman strode nervously at the raspy voice near the bed and was shocked into silence at what she saw. Dio was on the floor, with his normally golden eyes turned into a bloody red, and his canine teeth sharpened at the point. Before she could scream he pounced, her warm body hitting the floor hard, he sank his teeth hungrily into the maiden and let the very much seeming surplus of blood supply him enough nutrients to get up from the ground. The thud must have alerted another maid who Dio didn't care to learn the name of into his bedroom, she looked around, frightened of what might've fell.

The newborn vampire attacked her too, his hunger becoming satiated for the time being. However the mess was starting to pile up, Dio would have to figure out how to gussy up his room.

Jonathan sighed, feeling lonely in his own little world. It seemed like even the maids and butlers didn't want to approach him, not that he blamed them, coming from the street and all. The house was eerily quiet, almost as though a plague was sweeping them.

The moment Jojo heard a thud, followed by other alarming sounds he rushed to the room where it originated.

"D-Dio.." he began

Cold sweat beaded on the bluenette's forehead, looking at the lifeless bodies on the floor, now soaked with excess blood.

"Jonathan!" Dio hissed from his dwelling.

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