Walkin' After Midnight (Part 1)

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The Wicked Wench Book Store instilled the history of the harbor town into its decor. The pirate-themed shop buzzed with life, and its atmosphere was warm and welcoming. In summers past, Astrid would find any excuse to visit the Wicked Wench. Roger "Pretty Boy" Bones, the owner of the shop, adored the young girl, always making time to play pirates with her. Roger always claimed to be a true pirate that once sailed the seven seas; six-year-old Astrid had been rather impressed.

Astrid stepped into the nautical world, inhaling the smell of sea spray and tasting the brine on her tongue. The Wicked Wench was truly magical, Astrid thought. It was almost as if Roger had sensed her presence. He came barreling towards the front of the shop, his flamboyant pirate hat falling askew on his head.

"Yar! Do me eyes be deceivin' me or has Astrid 'Bonny Devil' Dinwiddie finally made port at her old haunt?" The middle-aged man greeted with merriment, taking his hat off in salute.

"How many years has it been, 'Pretty Boy'?" Astrid questioned.

"Too damn many, Astrid! Give yer' Cap'n a hug!" The tall man swept the girl off her feet and spun her around in the air. Once her converse had been returned to solid ground, Astrid got straight to business. Here goes nothing, Astrid steeled herself.

"Be there a place for me on' yer' hearty crew, Captain? It appears that I be findin' meself stayin' on these scenic shores indefinitely" Astrid proclaimed. Roger took a minute to decipher the true meaning of Astrid's theatrical banter and upon realization, made a very large display of taking off his pirate hat and placing it atop the small girl's head.

"Aye, ye be welcome here, matey!" Roger declared. "Besides, I'm getting a little too old to do these swashbuckling shows," the older man confessed, gesturing to the prop sword secured at his waist and the large pirate ship in the back of the store that served as the stage for such performances. Robert unsheathed his sword and bestowed it upon Astrid. "You start tomorrow at 7:00 A.M. Come into the back with me, and let's see if your favorite costume fits now that you're grown," the pirate requested, leading the teen to a small room at the back of the shop where the costumes and props the staff members used were kept. A sign on the door read "FILTHY BILGE RATS ONLY".

On all four walls of the room were shelves holding enticing trinkets and nicknacks. At the very back of the room stood Roger's famed costume wardrobe. The sturdy mahogany chest had always seemed more spectacular to Astrid when she was younger; now, there didn't appear to be anything extraordinary about the wooden structure. Only a privileged few have seen the true treasures that were hidden on the other side of the wardrobe's doors.

Roger had barely opened the wardrobe before Astrid's hands flew inside of it, seeking purchase on the costumes inside. The captain smiled—the starry-eyed little girl from times long ago had only changed in size; her joyous heart was much the same. With a flourish, Astrid removed her outfit of choice from the cavern of fabric.

"Wait here!" the teenager demanded as she scurried off to the bathroom with the costume in hand. This is gonna be epic! Astrid's heart soared. The girl had been aching to try on this outfit since she first saw it at the age of six.

The faded, black cotton breeches and long, white linen shirt were typical garments for sailors to wear out at sea; it was the accessories that caught her eye. Astrid put her arms through the waistcoat with care. The velvet was a deep crimson and felt soft against her fingers as she smoothed it down. The garment was both fashionable and functional: It reached her mid-thigh and accentuated her curves but had a slit in the back to enhance movability. Next, Astrid tugged on a stylish pair of knee-high black leather boots. 

God, I hope these don't make me look shorter, Astrid worried, Or, worse, make me look like a female Napoleon Bonaparte. I'd make a hideous man

The teen shrugged on the next part of her ensemble, a velvet frock coat black as the night. Similar to the waistcoat, it was a longer garment, falling above her knee. The frock coat was shorter in the front than in the back and the fabric below the waist was classically pleated. She secured the velvet coat with a long, burgundy sash made of tattered satin.

While the ensemble looked incredible, it could only be completed by Astrid's favorite article: a tricorn hat made from leather the color of red wine, soft and faded with age. Astrid's chanced a glance at her reflection and fell in love with the girl on the other side of the mirror. Why can't every day be like this? the teenager yearned, why couldn't I have been born out of a fantasy novel, my life filled with magic and adventure? It shouldn't have to be pretend.

Roger turned to the sound of approaching footsteps. Astrid had finally emerged from the bathroom, looking more fit to be a pirate than Roger ever had. She walked with a swagger in her step and the mask of her character plastered on her face. Reaching Roger, the teen took a bow. "Methinks ye might be needin' to hand the title o' 'Pretty Boy' over to me, Cap'n," Astrid jested with the older man, waggling her eyebrows. Roger smiled widely.

"Methinks ye may just be right about that, dearie. There be plenty of fish in the sea fer a bonny lass such as ye!" the older man complimented. "Now, take that off before you get heatstroke, Astrid."

"I'll take it off but I have every intention of taking it home with me, Bones" the teenager declared as she walked back to the bathroom to change.

Astrid left the Wicked Wench Book Store with purpose—she couldn't wait to tell her Nan and Pops the great news. The girl bounded up the steps to the familiar yellow house, ringing the doorbell impatiently. What am I, five? The girl remarked of her actions.

 The large, wooden front door flew open revealing a cross Nan who looked ready to smack the imbecile obnoxiously ringing her doorbell. If said imbecile weren't her favorite and only granddaughter, she might have. "Nan, guess what?" Astrid exclaimed. "Yer granddaughter's a bloody pirate!" The teen revealed, hoisting the bag with her costume into the air for emphasis. "My first day on the job is tomorrow!" She cheered.

"I'm so proud of you, girlie!" Nan congratulated the girl, pinching her cheeks for emphasis. Astrid scowled at the action, pulling her now red and abused cheeks away from her grandmother.

"You crone, that hurt!" the teenager whined as she rubbed her cheeks. Nan chuckled at the reaction.

"Well, it serves you right for causing such a ruckus in my home. Do that again, and I'll tell Cap'n Bones to send you off to Davy Jones' Locker." The older woman threatened playfully. Astrid got the message, making a mental note to stop harassing her grandmother. As if, Astrid retorted in her head, already planning her next malicious act. Nan loves me too much to get rid of me.

"Are you and Pops busy tonight? I wanted to invite y'all to dinner to celebrate with me." Astrid said as she rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet. They're old people. It's not like they do fun things, so they've gotta say yes, right? Astrid reassured herself.

"Sorry, kiddo, but Gene and his wife invited us over to their house for pot roast. You're welcome to join us if you'd like. The Buckley's love you, and Barb always makes extra." Nan offered, hoping to cheer her granddaughter up.

Astrid knew full well that she'd always be welcome in the Buckley's home, but she declined the offer anyway, "That's alright, Nan. I wouldn't want to intrude. Besides, there'll be the whole rest of the summer and next school year to eat Barb's pot roast. Don't worry about me. I've got some unpacking to do anyway" the disheartened teenager replied, resembling a kicked puppy as she retreated to her own home.

It's amazing how you can be on the top of the world one minute and have everything go to shit the next, Astrid thought, back hitting the closed front door as she slid down the hard surface to the floor. Ugh, now I'm overreacting. I need more friends...especially friends my age. The polished hardwood floors felt cool against the skin left exposed by the girl's yellow linen shorts, offering her warm skin relief from the suffocating warmth of the summer. 

Her spot on the floor grew comfier by the minute and Astrid was forced to pull herself off the ground and up the stairs before she risked taking a nap that both she and her back would regret later. It's been a long day, the girl sighed as she dragged her feet to her room.

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