Funny Youtuber Skit

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Context: Lyric and Ahri are Youtubers, not related in anyway, but still. Ahri has a crush on Jack while Lyric is dating Nate. They are both gamers, but LYric is also in the musical industry.

Ahriana is a purplenette with dark brown eyes and stands at 5'2.. I think. I can't remember her age for this one either... so...


A small groan came from the lips of the dark-haired male as he heard his phone go off. He slowly sat up, trying not to disturb his sleeping girlfriend beside him. He patted around for his phone, eventually feeling his hand meet a cold, smooth surface. Shaking his head, he ran a hand through his hair and answered the call. "Hello..?" He said, his voice filled with the grogginess of just waking up. "It's 11 in the afternoon, how are you still asleep???" The familiar voice came from the phone. Nate allowed a small huff to leave him before speaking. "Why did you call?" He asked bluntly. Mat's light, yet shaky chuckling made Nate narrow his eyes a little. "You remember when Ajay said we were going to have the girls do- like, a cover of the Fnaf Musical?" He asked, making Nate groan loudly and plop over, waking the sleeping 20-year-old beside him. "That's today??" He questioned.

"What's today..?" Lyric asked as she rubbed her eyes, sitting up. Nate looked at her and sighed lightly. "The Five Nights at Freddy's musical thing..." Him saying that just make a small whine come from her. "Why today???" She asked, but Nate just gave a shrug in response. "If I had known you were asleep, I wouldn't have called..." Mat's voice then came from the phone.

Nate laughed at that, "That's a load of bullshit..."

"I really would-"

"See you at the set, Mat." Nate then hung up, yawning a bit before standing. Lyric groaned lightly before rolling off the bed, Nate just walked out of the room...

~Timeskip Brought to you by a Mark getting scared by a cupcake~

Lyric and Nate hopped out of the car once they arrived at the large building. "It's been seven years since I worked at this place..." Lyric said jokingly. Nate glanced at her and chuckled lightly. "A part of my life I must regret..." He finished. Lyric looked at him and shook her head, smiling a little. "Saw kids burst in tears, and a bear start eating their face. But I tried to move on and just forget..." They sang together, moving to enter the building. "But Youtube Apprep isn't all that great..."

"So!!!" A certain Iplier Jumped out at them, making Nate let out a small scream. Lyric laughed at that and shook her head. "Awwwee~ Nathan Sharp is a Scardy-cat~~~," She said with a small smirk.

Nate looked at her with a small glare. "Okay tiny.." He muttered, only to yelp and bolt inside once she took out a container of laundry soap. "Did you forget that whenever you call me anything RELATED to being short, you owe me twenty piggyback rides and my special chips?" She asked, "Aaaaaaaaaaaand no kisses for the rest of the day." That made the male gasp, running over and falling to his knees, hugging her tightly. "No!! Please!! Anything but that!!!" he cried. Lyric smirked lightly and patted the top of his head. "Good boy." She said before hearing a: "Pfft." Come from her best friend. "Gross, PDA..." Ahriana muttered. The white-haired female rolled her eyes and looked over at Ajay, who was currently getting the cameras ready. "Are we ready yet?" She asked. "Almost!!" He stated.

Eventually, everything was ready and Ajay got the puppet on his hand. "Lez go!" He said with a small smile, getting in position.

Lovely bloopers and fails kept happening, so yay!

"Take.. 68..." Ajay said before playing the audio. "Hai I'm phone guy pleasure to meet you! I'd like to leave a few quick words... Freddy's friends can be a bit...Active.."

"Blah blah blah that's completely absurd..." Lyric sang before sitting down in her seat. The animatronics snag their bit before Lyric began to 'freak out'. "I'll try out all the cameras, to see what, they do. Let's check the animatronics, did one of them just move???"

She then began to mess with the laptop a little. "Don't be dumb! That's insane! Look they're standing all the same. Except for one, could it be? Bonn- CUNTBUCKET!!" Lyric cut herself off when she heard a loud crack come from the chair, quickly falling back and kicking one of the puppets on Ajay's hand. Nathan choked on his drink, causing it to go up his nose. "Ahh!!! It burns!! IT BURNS!!"

Mark bursted out laughing, soon snorting. That's only caused him to laugh harder. "SHE KICKED HER BEST FRIEND!! OH MY GAWD!!!" He said as tears pricked at his eyes. He soon ended up Falling to the floor, holding his sides. That's when Mat peeked around the fourth wall. "Foxy, or Ajay?" He asked. The mentioned male was currently crying over his probably broken hand. "MY HAND!! MY PRECIOUS HAND!!!"

Ahri looked at him and shook her head. "Awe... What a shame, the relationship between you and your right hand has ended." She said, before taking a sip of her juice box. Lyric slowly got up, cursing to herself... "chienne-fuckin-minou-seaux-sur-un-bâton-sanglant-né-à-mourir-dans-une-pépite-trou" In French.

Nate looked at her questioningly but quickly shook his head. "What's up with you and Cuntbuckets, no... French, BLOODY cuntbuckets????'

Lyric huffed as she stood up, going to pick up the chair, but the back just came off completely. "Shut it Shrimp fuck..." She hissed, making Mark die even more...

Characters: 5,087
Words: 882
Sentences: 114
Reading time: 3 min 31 sec
Speaking time: 6 min 47 sec

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