MM Band Au. Sad skit

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With the trees and cars passing the large bus, the band members were kind of just, laying around. "Why are these trips always so boring..?" Chloe asked as she rolled off the couch. Lyric shook her head a little as she looked out the window. "Hey Lyric." A dead voice asked from behind her. She turned around to see the light haired male she had fallen for... So long ago. She flashed him a small smile. "Hey Saeran, what's up?" She asked softly. That's when he grabbed a folder off the table beside them. "I was wondering if you could look through this for me." He stated, watching as she took the folder. Lyric opened it, flipping through it. It was full of songs. She smiled a little more. "I'd love too." She stated, closing the item. Saeran nodded before going to walk off but stopped in the doorway of where the beds met the main area of the bus. "Just one thing..." He said coldly. She slowly looked up at him at that. "Don't look at the ones in the back...." He stated, glancing back at her with a look of slight... It was like he was going to kill her if she did. Lyric got chills down her spine and hugged the folder close to her. "O-Okay..." She said, getting no response from the male as he went on his way.

The young female couldn't help but frown as she watched him go. "We're so distant now.." She muttered to herself as she slowly looked down at the folder, sighing lightly. She then plopped onto the couch and put her hair up in a messy bun, slipping on her glasses. She opened the folder and flipped through it once again, coming to a random stop as a tile caught her eye. 'So Far Gone...' She read to herself. She rose a brow, as well as another song caught her eye. 'Your Guardian Angel?" She hummed a little in thought as she began to read the lines of the first one. 'I know they say that the space between, can make it stronger than we've ever seen. They might be right, but I disagree. 'Cause I've never felt stronger than when you're with me. Sometimes I even wonder why you even care. "Cause when I even leave you're always there with me.." She read to herself as she nibbled on the skin around her nails. "This doesn't sound like something He would write..." She muttered into her hand. 'And like a candle makes a brighter place, this mark you've made on me can't be erased. I wanna be so far gone in you. So far nothing will ever do. I wanna be so far gone, In you. In you...

I've stood alone and I've fallen down, your hands were there to pick me off the ground. Sometimes I cry because I can't believe, your love is big enough to cover me..'

"Are these Saeran's or Zen's...?" She asked herself. "No.. Zen isn't able to write this well..." She said as she rubbed the back of her neck. She soon finished that song and looked over a few others. Soon getting to the one labeled. "Your Guardian Angel." She set the papers down on her lap and looked at the one she held in her hand. It seemed new, newer than the rest. The paper was also different, like from a composition book or something... 'When I see your smile. Tears run down my face. I can't replace. And now that I'm I am strong I have figured out, how this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul and I know... I'll find, deep inside me, I can be the one. I will never let you fall. I'll stand up with you forever. I'll be there for you through it all... Even if saving you send me to heaven.." Lyric gulped a little as she read these words. How could someone like Saeran write these? She kept reading, soon getting to a certain part that made her put a hand over her mouth. "Cause you're my, You're my... My~ My true love, my whole heart, please don't throw that away. 'Cause I'm here, for you... Please don't walk away and please tell me you'll stay. Stay... Use me as you will. Pull my strings just for a thrill. And I know I'll be okay, though my skies are turning grey! I will never let you fall. I'll stand up with you forever. I'll be there for you through it all. Even if saving you sends me to heaven.." And with that, it just repeated the last verse. Lyric took in a deep breath before feeling the bus come to a stop. She looked up and quickly put all the pages in a neat pile before sticking them in the folder and setting it down, going to stand. "Are we stopping for gas?" She asked and Ahri just gave her a nod. She smiled a little and went to get out."I can stretch my legs!!" She said as Zen poked his head out. "You could have done that on the bu-" Before he could finish his sentence - he was whacked with a frying pan. "Leave her be.." A cold voice hissed as Zen fell out of the bus.

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