Chapter 1

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                                                   It was another day in New York City. Cabs racing to reach their destination, customers in the local Starbucks complained about their drinks and the sun shone out of the clouds, giving people hope to get on with their lives. The hustle and bustle of the citizens was also pretty normal. It was boring, though, according to a 16-year old boy who was looking out of the window, seeking for something different other than his Biology class (and life in New York City in general). When the bell finally rang, he sighed a sigh of relief. The school day was officially over and he could go home. Running out and bumping into his peers while doing so, he thought about going over the baseball court to practise his skills. Maybe with a little more effort, he could actually stand a chance of getting on the team. But, ultimately, he decided to go home, complete his homework and then go for a walk in Central Park.

                                                    It took Ben longer than he had previously thought to finish his homework. After battling algebra, drawing diagrams of plant cells and writing an argumentative essay on whether teens were using too much technology, he was finally done by 6.00pm. He grabbed a cereal bar and told his mum he'd be out for a while. He took out his Labrador, Cinnamon out with him. It was great that he had a dog, because he didn't have many friends other than his dog besides Micky, his best friend at school.

                                                      The trip walking to the park seemed to take forever. Ben couldn't believe that for once in her life, Cinnamon wasn't racing to get there, like what happened usually. At least it gave him a chance to eat his cereal bar.

                                                      After what seemed like an hour of walking, he arrived at Central Park. Many people went in the morning, but it was simply too crowded then. It was better to go in the evening, where he could enjoy the nature without many people talking too loud. The sun was setting now, making the sky no longer blue, but rather a mix of different hues, ranging from pink blending into yellow. And that's when he saw her.

                                                      She looked like a goth, with cropped black hair, bright brown eyes that took a shade of amber in the light and wearing black attire, which consisted of an anorak, knee length skirt, leggings and trainers. Unlike the other girls at his school, she didn't look like the giggly, girly type who squealed after seeing their favourite boy band member on a poster, or when she saw her friends after a day of not talking to them, or just squealed at anything in general. No, this girl looked strong, assertive and mysterious in her own way. She looked pretty badass, and he rather liked that, if was truly honest with himself. She just stood there, drinking a cup of coffee, not even noticing him. 

                                                        You know the moment when you feel an instant connection to somebody without even knowing them, but that somehow in your heart, you knew already that they were going to be special in your life? That was Ben felt about her right that second. Trying to be inconspicuous, he knelt down to grab a stick lying randomly on the ground. He threw it far off, and let go of Cinnamon's leash so that he could run off to catch it. When he stood up to glance at the girl again however, he saw that she was gone. Running off to fetch Cinnamon (and the stick), he tied his dog onto the leash again, and slowly they both walked home. But although the mysterious girl was gone and that he would probably never even see her again, he couldn't shake her from his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about her. She fascinated him, and he knew that if he ever wanted to date someone, it would be someone like her. But he kept telling himself that he would never see her again. It was probably for the best anyway. He missed his chance and that was that. Even though, he kept trying to persuade himself with these thoughts, he still thought of her. And in a good light too.

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