Chapter 4

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                                                             Ever since Ludmilla settled into their group, Brittany had made it their tradition that every day after school, the two girls hang out. For the first time, the blonde cheerleader had a girl best friend and she wasn't going to lose her by not giving her enough attention. They did their homework and studied together, listened to music and talked about various subjects. To her, Ludmilla was a girl who wasn't boy obsessed and mean like her cheerleader teammates. She was a girl who was interested in many other things: from common ones like popstars and films to ones which many girls at their school weren't interested in like nature and art. True, she was very mysterious and Brittany had a feeling that she didn't even scratch the surface with getting to know her, but that was part of what made her so unique.

                                                             Today she sat in her beloved blue swivelling chair and after a while, cleared her throat. Ludmilla looked up, her expression giving Brittany confidence for her to continue what she was about to say.  "We've been hanging out for about 3 weeks now. You should know by now that I'm a cheerleader..." She nodded. In the space of hanging out with this new group, she got to know them better: Brittany was the cheerleader who wasn't a mean girl, Ben was the baseball fanatic and Micky was the video game enthusiast. Her daydream was interrupted by her best friend speaking again.

                                                              "I love being a cheerleader, you know that. But my teammates are so mean. Last year, I wanted to stop hanging out with them, and the lead cheerleader, Melissa Thornton, told me that I could go hang out with anyone I wanted, on one condition. It was that whoever I was going to date had to be approved by them, specifically her, or I would be kicked off the cheerleader squad. The problem is this: I'm in love with somebody, but they already dismissed him as a lame guy, all because of his interests! They've been poking fun at him for years at a time, and every time we see him, Melissa always says something like: "OMG, he's so lame, look at him with his Super Mario console! NO girl's ever gonna get with that." or "What a geek that guy is. I can't imagine a girl willingly going out with him, unless it's Princess Peach or something!" And every time I just laugh along with them when in reality, my heart just keeps sinking more and more with dread. Ludmilla, he's so kind and sweet and adorable, but I love being a cheerleader, so I don't know what to do. Any thoughts?" 

                                                               She placed her hands on her hips, waiting anxiously for her answer. She had pondered about this situation for months, but every time she tried to think of a solution, it seemed to be a dead end. Should she give up her extracurricular or her love interest? It always seemed to be a disastrous future no matter what path she took. But at least now she had a girl who wasn't on her squad and would never tell on her. It was a relief, because she needed another girl's perspective on this situation.

                                                                Ludmilla stroked her chin and thought about it. It was a hard decision, because on one hand, Brittany should not have let her other cheerleaders control her life like that. On the other hand, she shouldn't stop her hobby because of a boy that may or may not return her feelings. What Ludmilla did know (all because everyone was always talking about it. It was as if they were obsessed), was that every year, a new lead cheerleader was elected in December. It was 2 months away. If Brittany worked hard enough to gain her teammates' approval of her taking the top spot, Melissa would no longer be in power and she could do what she wished. That way, she would keep both her hobby and her chances of being with the one she was besotted with. If, by any chance, the guy did not return her feelings, she'd still have the top spot and something to brag about on the college applications later on in life. 

                                                                She told her friend this idea, and slightly smiled a bit when she saw Brittany's eyes light up with excitement, but it faded when Brittany gave her a big hug and whispered in her ear: " You're amazing! Much better than any of the girls in our year! I hope we'll remain best friends forever." When Brittany let go of her, the brilliant idea still marinating in her head, Ludmilla opened her mouth, wondering if this was the appropriate time to tell her her secret. She shut it again when she realised it wasn't. Instead, she asked: "Who is it? The guy I mean." She already had a suspicion who it actually was, but she needed a confirmation from her friend.

                                                                 Brittany sat back down in her blue swivelling chair, and bit her lip as she hesitated to tell her what she had been keeping secret for a long time. Finally, she just decided to say it out outright.

                                                                 "M...Micky Hillman..." she breathed.

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