Chapter 5

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                                                               It was December, which meant that the new head cheerleader was to be announced. Both Brittany and Ludmilla were on the edge of their seats to find out whether their hard work had paid off or not. It was to be known who took the position a few days before Christmas, on the last day of school, during the last baseball game of the term. 

                                                                Ludmilla was mostly excited about the upcoming baseball game not only to see if her best friends got the post or not, but also because she would see her a lot more now (Brittany was working so hard for this, that she didn't hang out with the group much anymore. Same with Ben, who had been practising for the baseball game) and because Micky wouldn't even have a slightest chance of talking about Ben anymore.

                                                                 What she had been dealing with for the past two months was Micky making Ben seem like the best angel on earth. At first it was cute hearing about his little quirks and qualities, but after a week, it proved to be too much. Granted, she was doing the same with Brittany, but at least she knew that he liked her back. She didn't like Ben in that way. Or did she? She wasn't even sure anymore. She liked hanging out with him, but because of her secret, she avoided getting too close. She didn't want to hurt him, because she cared about him. Alas, she didn't wish to think of that, for if she did, she would think about him too much and she would wind up getting hurt as well as him.

                                                                   After ticking off the days one by one on her calendar, the day of the game came. Ludmilla, Micky and another two people they knew from US History, Lizzie and Marcus, all sat down in the front row of the bleachers. The blaring of the two foghorns by the baseball pitch, signalled them to total alertness, as they watched anxiously. Their P.E teacher Ms. Roster, grabbed the microphone, and cleared her throat to grab everybody's attention. Not that she needed to anyway. Ludmilla was already invested in whatever she had to say.

                                                                   "As you all know quite well, today is the last game of the term. If we win, we could end up in the national league. And this time we might just beat Minnesota, stupid Minnesota, they beat us last year, well this year we'll show them...I'm getting off track. As most of you know, we also announce the cheerleader squad captain and her vice, obviously. For this year the team captain will be...Trudy Williams, with a majority of 195 votes." Just as Brittany and her best friend slumped from disappointment, Ms. Roster continued her speech.  "And the vice will be...Brittany Lewis, with 160 votes. Well done both of you. Do this school honour with your duties and work together soundly." 

                                                                       And just like that, the sun shone a little brighter, the sky seemed a little bluer and Brittany had everything she ever wished. Well, except one thing. But she would confess her feelings after the game. She just hoped that Ben would have the courage to do the same.

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