Chapter 10

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                                                         Ludmilla groaned as she saw Luis once again arrive in the room with that annoying confident strut of his. According to him, it had been already been 47 days since the day she faded into nothing and flew back to purgatory. She couldn't see what she had to admit. She kept seeing clips of her second life, day by day. Personally, she thought it cruel. She missed her old life back with Brittany, Micky, and most importantly, Ben. So he kept rubbing it in her face that she couldn't go back until she had to confess...what? Was there such a thing such as poltergeist amnesia? Because if she didn't know any better, she would say that she was the first person to have it.

                                                        He lifted up his arm, and showed her all the scars, each representing a day she was there. Clearing his throat, his tone of voice slightly annoyed, he spoke slowly, hoping she would understand.  "Listen up, sweetheart. I am getting really fed up of this charade. I come in, show you the videos, I ask you if you will tell the truth, you say you have no idea, blah, blah, blah. So let's try something a little different today." 

                                                          For a moment she was confused, because he just pressed a button on the remote like he always did. She smiled, feeling bittersweet, because the clip shown today was one of her favourite memories of all. It was Halloween and she had just started to get used to the group. Her friends had been planning to go trick or treating that day for months and Ludmilla didn't have a costume. At first she had thought that it meant she would spend the holiday alone. She had already stomped away, when Brittany called her name, told her to wait for her to come back. When Brittany came back, she held a sheet in her hands. Knowing what was coming, she closed her eyes as her best friend cut two holes in the sheet for eyes. She remembered how ironic it was that she was literally the costume at the time. They had a fun time gathering sweets from peoples' homes, so much so that their laughter could be heard from two blocks away. 

                                                            What truly made the memory so lovely, however, was that Ben had offered to walk her home. She had refused, inventing an excuse that her house was further than his, so, in a twist of events, walked him home instead. They chatted about multiple affairs and he made her laugh. When they arrived at his door, he seemed to linger for a few seconds, before leaning close to her, almost as if he was going to kiss her and then settled for a hug instead. The video ended, and Ludmilla felt confused. Didn't that stupid guardian angel of hers said that something different was going to happen today? It was just the same old stuff all over again. At this point, she wanted to pull the plug and not have the third chance at life after all. She closed her eyes in frustration and tried to hold back tears. Alas, they flowed down her cheeks like a rushing river on a windy day. Suddenly she felt a warm breath on her face and she fluttered open her eyes once again. She gasped in horror as she found Luis so close to her face that their noses were almost touching. 

                                             "I DON'T WANT TO KISS YOU!!!" she screamed out.

                                             "WHY?!" he yelled back.

                                             "WHAT?!" she shouted again. Everything was blurring out, almost as if she was about to pass out. Luis was a little more than a white blob and she barely heard him make out the words: Why don't you want to kiss me?, even though he was bellowing out these words. Taking a deep breath, she screeched the reason why she didn't want to be stuck with her guardian angel forever.

                                            "BECAUSE I WOULD RATHER BE WITH BEN!! I LOVE BEN! ARE YOU HAPPY?! THERE I SAID IT!!! I. LOVE. BEN."


                                                             And with a flash of golden light so pure it blinded her, she disappeared from the white room they called Purgatory. Even though she didn't know it yet, she was about to start her life once again. The reason why she didn't know she started a fresh page? Well, it was because she actually passed out.   


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