The Invitation Letter

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I am compelled to write you this letter for I can no longer suppress my feelings and desires of you... or rather for you.

You have slowly become part of my every thought, my every action. When I sleep at night it is your face I see in my mind, and your eyes that I imagine when I wake. My mind wanders all too often to other delights that I would love to share with you, not the least of which being just feeling the warmth of you next to me when I lay to rest. Even when I deal in matters of the realm my mind wanders to you, and hope the decisions I make will not bring you grief.

I dare not say more for fear of your repulsion and rejection. I come to you now as a mere elf, not a king, who is deeply in love with you. I invite you to please reply to me, and make your feelings known to me. Let me know your mind, and somehow win your heart. If it is your will to let me court you, please do not hesitate to let me do so. If it is your will to reject me, I will understand, and wish you well.

I pray for a speedy response be it favorable or not. With deepest affection,Thranduil

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