Chapter 15 - A New Chapter [The End]

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The four of them crowd around the table in front of them; Lucien presents the three kids with a bowl of soup each. “Yeah, I know soup is canned food, but we’re low on groceries now.” Lucien barely seems fazed by having to eat food from a can; the others roll their eyes before they tuck into theirs.

Britain has been eradicated for three weeks now, and the others have found a place to settle in. Elias is about to start his final year at school, Tatiana has two years to go and Cassius is off to University to train in sports and stuff. The university is local, so he doesn’t have to go far. Lucien landed himself as a base officer for the army so he can provide the majority of the group’s income.

No one here has made any new friends; Lucien knows his buddies from the army and the other three just stick to each other. As the group slurp up the hot tomato liquid, Cassius clear his throat and points to the television, where a bunch of reporters stand in the ruins of what was their country a few weeks ago.

“We should’ve been the first to stand on the ground of our own country,” Elias grumbles, watching the television as one of the women kicks at the ground. “Oh well, we were the last humans to ever stand on English ground.” Tatiana nods next to him and Cassius agrees that the four of them should’ve been the first ones to touch British land. Four British citizens remain alive on Earth, and as soon as their visas and passports are changed and stuff, they’ll officially be American citizens; no British citizens will remain.

“It’s amazing to think that we have clean, hot water, warm living conditions, a variety of food and a living place to call our own,” Tatiana sighs, finishing her soup. The four all agree as they think about how lucky they are.

And think about how unlucky their deceased friends were.

They never have to worry about the apocalypse again though. Once the bombs had dropped, troops and doctors were sent all around the world to ensure that the infection had been killed – for good. Another apocalypse could destroy the world.

No one is safe in this world anymore.

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