fluffy felix

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felix as a bf in general:

-hugs hugs hugs, like all the time

-clingy lix 

-honestly the type to kiss your forehead and face alot.

-when you pepper his cheeks with kisses, trying to kiss each freckle, he stops you and starts peppering you with kisses 

-he thinks you're cute when you're angery

-kisses your nose

-he backhugs  100% of the time

-i mean do you see many times he backhugs the other members?

-you guys play video games together

-do fortnite dances together

-dance stupidly and sing crazily 

-he cooks and bakes for you 

-felix likes to snuggle against you

-lays his head on your chest

-purrs (he did this before , i screamed-)

-he holds your waist while humming some cartoon theme song.

-always whines for your attention

-kisses your jaw

-loves to dance with you

-swings you around, leaning into your face, smiling like a goof

-laughs uncontrollably at you being clumsy

-brings you to his chest

-when you rest your head on his chest, you can hear rumbles from deep below because of his  deep voice

-tries braiding your hair

-felix wakes up in the middle of the night to make sure you are there, kisses you then falls back to sleep being the big spoon

-loves spooning you

-kisses your neck

-hums music until you fall asleep

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