friends: pt 1

761 18 2

genre: angst 
an: hoo boi

i check my phone, for the nth time this past hour, just to see if I have gotten any messages.


i sigh in frustration.

this is the third time these past two weeks where I have been forgotten. well not "forgotten" per say, but i guess ditched. 

every time lix and i would make plans, he's all for it, but then when i'm waiting for him to show up, he never does. he never texts me back until, like, five hours later to explain something came up.

at first i was fine with it, but this is the third time and honestly, i'm starting to doubt him now. 

i'm starting to think he doesn't like my company anymore. 

we haven't been close lately, that's why I ask him to hang out more. I miss my best friend lix :(.

we've been best friends since middle school when I stood up for felix's little sister at a playground. i was a bit shy, but i always did have a big mouth. i was also strong. these stupid kids in her grade were bullying her and calling her names. i was angered by the fact they thought they could control the playground, and that the poor little girl was crying. i hated watching people cry. 

i snapped at the people who were picking on the young girl, and led her away. i tried to stop her tears, and was comforting her when an annoying good looking boy came up to us. felix came rushing after, his fluffy hair bouncing and dragging along a little wagon behind him, i'm guessing his little sister rode in it.

he comes up to her while I'm patting her back, comforting here and he stares at me weirdly, I stare at him back. it was already bad that he was super attractive but why the hell is he staring at us for.

"and you are?" he asks.

"who the heck are you?" I say, ignoring his question. i didn't realise he was related to this girl at all, and thought he was yet another kid that was going to pick on the younger girl. 

we stare at each other for a good few seconds when the younger girl finally snaps out of it and gets up hugging the boy.

i stare in surprise, then realise they have the same freckly features, when the boy says to the girl, " olivia, are you okay? who's this?" he aks, mentioning me.

"she stood up to kayla for me," olivia starts, " she's really nice!"

i blush, i always did get flustered when people complimented me. i stand up, wiping the wood chips from my jeans as i say, "thanks, olivia" i smile cheekily at her. 

then to the boy i say "well, it was nice meeting you, i guess. i'll see you around" and am about to leave when I feel a hand grab my wrist, turning me around.

"wait!" the boy says, running a hand through his thickly layered hair, "thanks so much for helping olivia. we go to the same school right? i think i've seen you around before. i'm felix"

I smile, "if you go to the school down the street, then yes, we are schoolmates. my names mina, by the way."

we shake hands.

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