Alphadora Plasma Bought

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"Well this one is a Alphadora plasma flat, quite expensive for people as young as yourselves but if it's what your looking for, then go ahead and have a look."the man said, writing on his notepad and sticking it under his arm.

"I like this one Luke. It's so stylish!"i screamed of excitement.

"I'm enjoying seeing you happy"he said smiling at me.

"I'm happy the bucket list has begun."i said happily.

"Me too."i said as me and Luke entered the apartment.

It had white flooring.

No carpets which was what we were looking for.

If we had bought dogs.

It had a beautiful black fireplace and a large white marbled kitchen.

There was a giant stove and oven, with a massive space for cooking or party's like other stuff on out bucket list.

Down the hall onto the right was the suite bathroom.

It had a large Victorian bath with gold taps and gold drains.

The shower had 3 heads on it.

1 at the bottom.

2nd one at the centre of the pipe.

And the 3rd one at the very top hooking over if you were showering.

The sink was the same as the bath, it was a Victorian style with gold taps and drain.

The tiling was white with gold sparkles.

It was so girly.

I loved it!

We wandered out the bathroom and across was the first bedroom out of the three.

The bedroom was black and silver and had a beautiful floor it was black sparkly carpet, perfect for spills or anything.

Inside the 1st bedroom it had a small utility bathroom, with a shower and toilet, mostly similar to the suite bathroom.

Outside the bedroom, down the hall was another bedroom.

It was a accent wall with a teal and white wallpaper and the rest were white.

There was a large seating window inside the teal bedroom.

It was fabulous!

The next room was another room but not a bedroom it was like a study room.

Good for studying for exams and college.

Just plain cream coloured but perfect.

The next was the last bedroom and it was themed a deep Cadbury purple.

It had a black and deep wallpaper and the rest were a light violet purple.

The next two rooms were beautiful.

The first was the dining room and it was themed a lovely ruby red with a cream, gold and red wallpaper.

The next room was another seating/living room and it was a lime green with browns and golds.

The flat was massive and I loved it!

It was nothing like I've never seen.

Luke loved it too.

"It's perfect."he said.

"I know. But how are we going to cough up this much money?"i said sadly.

"I have it all sorted, babe."he said smiling.

"What have you done?!"i said scarcely.

"I have insurance for being ill. I'll use some for the house you can pay a little."he said.

"I will! If it means I can have this house!"i screeched.

"Well? What did you two lovebirds think?"the man said, getting ready to write on his notepad.

I looked at Luke nervously.

"Well?"the man said, clicking his pen over and over again.

I looked at Luke again.

"We'll take it!"Luke cheered.

"Great. I'll have the payments sent to you on Monday."the man said, as he walked to his car and left the car park.

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