Your Dying?

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I awoke with Luke's arm still draped around me, and the bruise on his jaw was already bruising but his knuckles were healing over.

"Marcie Hopewood! Get down here now!!"i heard my Mom yell as I jumped up and waked Luke up at the same time.

"Is that your Mum?"he said, opening his eyes.

"Yeah, come on. I don't even know what's wrong with her?"I whispered.

"Marcie!"i heard my Mom call again as I ushered Luke out the window as he drove his car around the corner so my Mom didn't see him.

She had a severe problem with Luke sleeping with me?

I don't even get her?

She knows we've slept together at our house?

I grabbed my wooly cardigan and slippers and shuffled downstairs to be face to face with my Mom who was standing at the bottom of the stairs with one hand on her hip and tapping her foot.

"What Mom? Stop shouting I hear you."i said cheekily.

"You! You let these pesky animals in my home! This is my house not yours! Get them out. Also I received a worried call from my Harry!"she yelled pointing her boney finger in my face.

"Don't call my pets 'pesky animals'! They are dogs not pesky animals! And what did Harry say then!"i yelled sticking my finger in her face this time.

"Get your finger out of my face this instant! You cheeky little girl! My Harry was very upset!"she shouted stomping her foot and walking into the kitchen like a child.

"Tell me what he said then?!"i shouted back.

"He told me that Luke and Marcus were in a fight! And you were the cause!"She spat as tears brimmed my eyes.

"Because Luke was angry that Marcus done this to me!!"i fired back, pulling the collar of my Jammie shirt down and pointing at my neck, where the purple bruise was.

"M-Marcus done that to you?"My Mom said her voice softening as she stroked her thumb across the tear sliding down my right cheek.

"Yes."i spoke, calming down.

"Harry told me a different story."she said standing back from me.

"It's true, Mom. My story I'm not lying."i said another tear falling from my eye.

"I will not have this! He's your step-brother! Boys should not hit girls or ladies! If you are lying Marcie Hopewood you will be in deep a shithole."Mom swore as I gasped at her choice of words, she never swore like this.

"I'm not, I swear."i said honestly.

"Okay." she said, then left upstairs.

"Oh and Marcie!"she yelled.

"Yeah?"i yelled back.

"I know Luke was here."i laughed at her sly comment.

"Sure okay Mom."i shouted, giggling.

I ran back upstairs shocked to find Luke sprawled across my bed.

"Hi."i laughed.

"Hey. You okay?"he said, his eyes on the tv.

"You heard?"i said stripping off and putting on my black jeans and black Ramones tshirt.

"Yeah and nice sight."Luke said, his eyes on my now covered body.

"Luke."i warned.

"Sorry."he said looking away.

I put my hair into a messy bun and put my army boots on to match Luke.

"Guess what."he spoke.

"What?"i said put some eyeliner on.

"I binned the bucket list."he spoke casually.

"You what?!"i screamed.

"I binned it because I don't have cancer!"he grinned as I rushed into his arms and passionately kissed him as he lifted me up in his arms.

"Calm it you two."my Mom said as he lifted my clean washing onto my bed.

"Mom! Luke doesn't have cancer anymore!"i screamed as my Mom kissed Luke's cheek and hugged me.

"That's great kids,"she cheered.

Once the excitement was over, which it clearly wasn't since Luke over came cancer, I put some mascara on and ruby red lipstick.

I grabbed my leather jacket as me and Luke left to the car to go home.


Sorry for any inconvenience earlier, I updated the story once I had finished and realised it had deleted so I had to write it again.

But it's all good again!



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