The Time They Thought He Was Scared When He Cried

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It's time. I've waited for so long. Let me go.

He realized he'd been here before. Tried to wake up but he was trapped.


Be happy. I love you. Always.

No. No. NoNoNoNoNoNonononononononono... please... not again.....

He was at a unpassable fork-a gulf- and either way was death.

The attack was over in seconds.

But then the choice was made- fate sealed. Closed. Final.

The cheers of his friends clashed with the ripping of his heart. They surrounded him, but he was alone. Forever. Alone. Always.

Merlin wrenched awake, crashing into time, tears streaked down his cheeks as his chest spasmed, frigid air searing his lungs.


(Earlier that day)

From the look on Arthur's face, Lancelot could gather the young monarch had hoped he'd go his whole life without ever facing another Bastet. But the King only frowned and straightened. In his short rein as king, he'd realized very quickly that the rulers of the land rarely got what they wanted. The duties of a king.

"And your sure?"Arthur asked, his tone resigned. He already knew Leon wouldn't have come to him if he hadn't.

Leon nodded gravely from where he sat beside Lancelot. The action echoed on every knight's face across the circular sphere, equally serious expressions on their faces. Even Gwaine on Lancelot's right had straightened in his seat, pulling his feet off the table and staring seriously at Leon.

"Yes. The marks are the same as when the last beast entered Camelot. Except possibly bigger."

Arthur nodded briskly, his eyes clear with clarity as his training wiped his mind of everything but the problem at hand.

"Right. Well, it doesn't matter how big it is so long as it's heart's still unprotected."Arthur began grimly before turning to his dark skinned knight to his left.

"Elyan, I need you to send the crown's condolences and money to cover the burials and the first month of living expenses to the families." Elyan nodded, his determined gaze was soften by the compassion in his eyes, confirming Lancelot's suspicions Arthur had chosen the best man for the job.

"Leon, round up the knights and the off-shift guards, I need everybody on hand, then set up a watch around Camelot's periminiter. Lancelot straightened in his seat. Ready.

"This beast won't hurt any more of my people. Percival, I want you with him."

The giant and the head knight nodded stoickilly.

"Of course, Sire."Leon promised.

Percival, ever a man of many words, nodded once more.

"Gwaine, Lancelot,"They both straightened expectantly. Gwaine with his jaw setting and his hand already creeping for his sword. Lancelot nodded, sending away his resignation and focusing his concentration entirely on his King.

"You two are with me." They nodded in unison. Pride warming Lancelot's heart. It had taken Arthur so long to learn to trust anyone but Merlin after his sister's betrayal, to be entrusted to guard the King's back was an honor not given lightly.

"Merlin, make the preperations and ready-" but Arthur stopped as he heard his wife speaking at the same time, her voice soft and concerned.

"Merlin, are you alright?"

5 Times Arthur And The Knights  Broke Merlin And The 1 Time He Let Them Fix HimWhere stories live. Discover now