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When I walked in to English, I did not see Harry anywhere. I sat in my seat and took my phone out to call him to see if he was okay since my teacher was not in yet. But after afew calls, it went to voicemail.

I decided not push it, thinking that maybe he needed some rest from what had happened so I texted him saying: I hope you're okay. If you need anything, I'm here :), and I hit the send button.

After English, I walk down the halls to where my Biology class is and step inside and the first thing I see is Zayn, who is already in his seat next to mine. I pull my chair from under the table and he turns to look at me with a smirk on his face. The smirk that always annoys the shit out of me but also gives me butterflies.

"What are you doing tonight?" He asks me as I slumped in my seat.

"Not you," I answer him coldly. Why does he need to know what I'll be doing tonight? So that he could follow me and Ethan to Delphic or something? What a creep.

He chuckles, "Feisty. I like that about you, Angel. I really do,"

"I don't care what you like. And for the last time, stop calling me, Angel."

"Are you this cold to guys or is it just me?" He questions me in a serious tone. But I did not care and roll my eyes, a sign that says I am not answering his ridiculous question. And when I did not answer, he leans in closer to me and whispers, "Do I make you uneasy, Angel?"

I backed away a little. If I'm being honest, he does. And not only uneasy, but also uncomfortable, and vulnerable whenever he is around. I hate it. I never felt like this with anyone, ever, in my life. Why must he be different?

I stand my ground and forced myself not to answer him. I see him from the corner of my eye, about to say something but before he could even get a word out, our Biology teacher walks in.

Ms Murphy started the class as normal. Half way through the class, I kept waiting for Zayn to say what he wanted to say to me but he kept his mouth shut the whole time and concentrated on the work. He must have decided to let it go so I might as well.

After school, I called Harry to check up on him since he did not reply to my text before. He answered on the third ring. "Hello?"

"Hey, you okay?" I asked him through the phone as I unlocked my car and got in the driver's seat.

"I don't know. I guess so. . ."

"Do you want to get coffee with me?" I say, igniting the engine of my car and waited for him to reply before putting on my seatbelt.

"But I look like shit today. And feel like shit. I don't think I want anyone to see me like this," He mumbles.

"Come on, just one coffee. I'm sure it will make you feel better,"

"Yeah, okay, I'll be at the cafe in ten,"

"Alright, see you there," And with that, I hung up and throw my phone on the passenger seat next to me before driving out of the school grounds.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"He's been asking about you." Rose says as I approach the café counter.

My eyes widened and the first thought that came in mind was Zayn. "Who?"

"Liam ofcourse. Who else? He has been begging me to put some sense in to you to give him another chance. He misses you."

I let out a sigh of relief. Ofcourse it was him. How stupid am I to think it was Zayn when Rose has not even met him yet. "Tell him that I don't care and I've moved on."

"Yeah! That's my girl,"

"Hey, Rose. Another latte, please." I hear Harry's voice next to me. He leaned against the counter and when he looked at me, his face was pale and had chapped lips. He looked sick and lifeless. "Do you want anything?"

"I'll get whatever you're having,"

"Will that be two then?" Rose questions. 

"Yeah, make it two," Harry nods and hands Rose the money before I could even offer to pay it for him.

"When did you arrive?" I asked him.

"He was here ten minutes earlier than you and and got a large latte," Rose tells me before leaving the register to go make the drinks.

"Did I miss anything in school?"

"Nah." I answered Harry. "The same old routine. Nothing's changed." And he nods at that. After awhile, I whisper, "You're not still thinking about it are you?"

"It's just--" He runs his fingers through his hair in frustration and groans. "No matter how much I try to forget it or to distract myself from remembering it,  it just pops right back in my mind."

"It's okay," I say, rubbing his shoulder to comfort him.

"Here," Rose hands us our lattes and we take it. "Delphic is reopening tonight. What do you say?"

"I uh--" I paused, remembering that Ethan and I planned to go there tonight. "I'm going there with someone tonight but we could all go together?"

"Who?" Rose and Harry says at the same time, startling me.


"Oooooooh, Ethan," Rose cooed and smacked her arm, knowing what she was thinking. "Nice name. Who is he?"

"Yeah, who is he?" Harry added, taking a sip from his latte. "You never talked about him before."

"He's a childhood friend of mine." I simply said and took my phone out to text Ethan about the extra company but before I could even type a letter, Rose interrupted me.

"Is he hot?" Rose asked excitedly and I shrug. I mean, I never looked at him that way, just as a friend, nothing more, nothing less. "I have to see him. We will all go tonight."

A bell chimed, indicating that a customer had just walked in and I turned around to see it was an old lady, making her way to the counter.

"I'll text you where and when to meet tonight." I tell Rose and she nodded.

Then, I grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him out of the way so that the old lady could order. I tapped on the message app on my phone and texted Ethan.

Me: two friends of mine wants to tag along with us to the amusement park

Me: is that okay???

Ethan: if theyre hot, i dont mind

I rolled my eyes at his text message. The same thing Rose had said about him. They would definitely get along with each other.

Me: theres only one way to find out

Me: btw, youre still picking me up right??

Ethan: yeah im coming around 5

Ethan: and wear something nice ;)

Me: dont tell me what to wear

Me: and dont send winky faces at me

Ethan: ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

I groaned, annoyed with his childish attitude. I locked my phone before putting it in the back pocket of my jeans and looked up at Harry who was on his phone as well, while drinking his latte.

"I'm not going," He shook his head, his eyes still glued to his phone as he continued scrolling.

"Why not? It's going to be fun. And plus, it might get your mind of it for awhile,"

"Alright," He sighs and shoved his phone in the pocket of his jacket. Then he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the café. "But first, I need to get new clothes,"

the fallen;; zm {slow updates}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora