Chapter 6

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Sarrah : Oh,Louis!

Louis : Hey Jes-Wait! Why you have scar everywhere?!? ARE U OKAY?!?!

Sarrah : I'm fine. It's not like that I get into coma or what.

Louis : Who doing this to u?

Sarrah : Uhh...RV.

Louis : That's sluts?

Sarrah : You know them?

Louis : I don't want to know though. When I get in class,they suddenly go near me. Jeez..

Sarrah : I know right,they're super annoying. Anyway,do you want to meet my friends?

Louis : What do you mean? I'm not your friend? *fake cry*

Sarrah : Haha,not like that. They were my gangs. You still my forever best friend!

Louis : Ouhhhhhh,ok! But...isn't they're scary? What if I got killed?

Sarrah : Don't worry. They're still human not animal. I bring you to meet them tonight.

*Bell rings*

Louis : Okey. Let's go to class now.

-After school ends-

I arrived at my home after the LONG walk.

Sarrah : Louis,get ready at 8 p.m and bring your clothes too! We will having sleepovers.

Louis : Yes,sir! *salute*

I take shower and wear my outfit. I just wear something comfortable. I wear black cropped hoodie with black shorts. Done! I go downstairs and have my dinner. I already have my clothes there,so I don'need to bring clothes.

Sarrah : Louis, r u done?

Louis : Yes. Are we gonna take your car?

Sarrah : Nope. We will ride my motorbike. My gangs mansion not that far.

Louis : Cool!

-after 25 mins-

I knock the door,then I see all girls in front of the door. They greet me when they relize Louis behind me. They aim guns at him..Oh no!

Sarrah : Girls,calm down. He was my best friend.

                                                               Lissa Pov

I opened the door then I see Sarrah. We greet her then I relize there a guy behind her. We quickly aim guns at him when Sarrah told us to stop. Oh...he was her best friend...

Lissa : Sorry for misunderstanding...

Louis : It's fine.

                                                     Back To Sarrah POV 

Sarrah : Anway,we will having sleepover tonight. And about Louis,don't worry. You're not the only guy,I called my  brothers to come over.

Louis : Fuh! I feel relived now.

Sarrah : Haha,c'mon. Let's get inside.

Louis : Wow Sarrah! How many mansions did you have?

Sarrah : Um...4?

All(except Sarrah) : 4?!? W.O.W!!

Louis : Wait,don't you guys know about it too?

Risha : No,we thought that she only have 2..but 4? That's crazy!

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