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Hello there, 👋🏾

If you're reading this, you are either hooked to my other books or were guided to this book through divine intervention. Welcome! 🤗

This book is for the down and out or the wayward and weary. My desire is for these short stories to help you get through and stay afloat when it seems that all hope is lost. You are never alone! Consider this to be Bible Study. I want this experience to be a community; a comfort zone. I choose to step out on faith with you. I'm willing to be a sounding board, listening ear or prayer warrior. No judgement! Trust me when I say that we all fall short of the glory. I surely won't be casting the first stone. *John 8:7* You may leave me (or PM me) prayer requests and/or scriptures that you would like to see made into a short story. 😇

Enjoy, be blessed and may the peace of the Lord be with you! Shalom! 😘

Bye now,
-IJ ✌🏾

Prayer Requests?

So be it. Amen. 💟


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