Chapter twenty-four

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Mike's POV

Slim's so damn lucky. He gets two beautiful girls. Well one, cause that's his daughter. And Jay. Damn she's hot. Beautiful dirty brown hair, rosy cheeks, button nose, slim body, big thick boobs. Damn.

She's gonna be mine. She just has too.

No ones POV

Jay walked into her room and sat down on the bed. Mike was very dreamy looking. But too bad, she got Marshall. Not that she minded. She then started rubbing her belly and thought of the beautiful baby growing inside of her. But also the negative things.

Marshall would get shunned by fans and how about her future? She wanted to continue school, but maybe online.



'Come here!'

He came in running; shirtless.

'What's wrong?'

'I'd like to talk to you about something'

'What is it?'

'Can I continue school? Online of course'

'Of course. What grade are you in. Or should I say, should be' he said with a smirk.

She bit her bottom lip and said 'eleventh'


She did something unexpected. She lifted her pajama shirt up, took his hand and placed it on her baby bump. He was amazed by how much it had grown. She was probably four weeks in. He gently squatted down on the floor and kissed it.

'Talk to it' she whispered.

He looked at it. It was quite big. But just to make her happy, he did.

'Hi baby. I'm slim shady. Your daddy. How is it in there? Must be quite tight in there. Um are you a Marshall or a Marshalla? Well mommy and I both love you so much' and he rose up to his feet. Jay was really in tears after that.

Marshall got up and kissed her on the nose. But he was also thinking about how Mike was looking at her. Jay was his and all his.

Since it was nearly noon he was starving.

'Jay get changed we're going outtt!'

'Okay. Let me take a shower!'

Marshall grunted and went to his bedroom. He then jumped on the bed and looked around. The curtains were dusty. The carpet was in a desperate need for a wash. His bedsheets needed a change. Jay instead on doing that but he wouldn't let her. He still saw her as a fragile little girl. He then looked around a second time. He then stood up and opened the curtains and saw the pool out back and saw it needed to be cleaned.

He rolled up his sleeves and went to clean it using a damn toothbrush.


About an hour later...

Jay finally came out of the bathroom wearing a light yellow sundress, pastel pink flats and her hair down in gorgeous curls.

'Marshall! Where are you?!'

Marshall came into the house, his pants stained with grass and his head beaded with sweat.

Jay looked at his clothes in disgust. 'What happened?! Why are you stained like?'

He looked at her like if she was stupid and didn't know why 'well. Because I Marshall Bruce Mathers the third live with a young lady named Jay Stan Rodriguez and she took wayyyyyyyy Toooooo looooonng in the bathroom getting ready. So I decided to clean the pool' he said proudly.

'Ugh! Go get changed! And change that stupid smile of your face!'

'Yes ma'am!'

He saluted her and left to his room. Stupid bitch he though. Taking over MY house and telling me what to do! Looking all fancy when I was just going to take her out to taco bell.

He changed into a gray sweatshirt, putted on a blue beanie and changed into some black jeans. Then he sprayed on some cologne and left.


On the way to Olive garden (Jay convinced him she had cravings for Italian food) Jay was trying of a way to ask Marshall if she could get a phone. Then she could call Mike.

She decided to make Mike her friend cause she needed more people around her, her age.



'Um, I've been wondering, if its possible; can you buy me a cell phone?'

'Your too young'

She turned to face him and with a straight face said 'no I'm not'

'I didn't have my first phone until I was twenty. Try again in four years'

She then made the cutest puppy eyes ever. Obviously he said yes then. Then he drove he to best buy and got her a Samsung. She was really happy. She kissed his cheek right there in the cash register getting an 'awww' from everyone watching.


Three hours later

The duo was at century theaters. They were watching some random film. As they were seated in the back row, they were making out. They hadn't notvided that many people were watching them. Marshall was completely disguised. Since they had been together for almost a month now, he decided it be time.

He cleared his throat and said 'Jay I've grown to love you very much. And don't think I'm doing this cause you're my kid's mom, no! Jay, will you be my girlfriend?'

( cliffhanger aha. Comment and vote for next chapter :D )

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