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I wasn't exactly sure where we were going but I knew that our journey was long. Now Carter was in the lead apparently. We walked through endless amounts of trees. Crossed three or four bridges and marched across tons of fields with people. "Here we are." Carter says. I looked up and saw an old shack sitting at the top of a hill.
I followed the group up the hill hesitantly. I had a feeling this was a bad idea. "Are you sure about this? I asked Carter. "Just trust me." We walked up to the door as Carter knocked and rang the doorbell. A shaggy old man with a long beard, and tattoos and piercings opened the door. Carter hugs him tightly. "Hey kiddo, where ya been?" The man greets with a question. "Around town with my friends. We just got out of an orphanage so, Mr. x, We just need to borrow a few bucks for a bus station." Carter explains. The man looks as if he was thinking about it and he then he said "Come in."
All of us walk in and all I could see was wood everywhere and axes hanging on the walls. There was a bed in the small kitchen and a small restroom in the very back. I look at Lydia and whisper, "We need a diversion for us to talk alone." "Gotchya." She whispers back. "Where is restroom?" Lydia asks Mr. X. "It's in the back in the hall on the left." He says. "Thank you. I reply and we rush to the restroom.
The restroom was tiny with two stalls and one sink. I could tell this place use to be an old restaurant that's been burnt down and used for lumbering. "So what's the problem?" Lydia asks. "Well, I'm not sure if I'm safe with these two." I say honestly. "They're just here to help us , Daisy. We can trust them." "Trust them with an old man who sells wood for living," I argue, "Excuse me but no." "Ok, fine, but when we get the money, I'm leaving you here with Mr. X." Lydia threatens. "No, please don't, I'll go." I pleaded. She rolled her eyes in my direction and crossed her arms. "Thank you, I don't understand why I have to put up with you and your drama because you always suck the fun out of everything, Daisy." Lydia complains. Ok, that went way too far. Do I suck the fun out of everything? "Look, lets just go back in there because I agreed to do this." I say calming her down. "Ok fine." She says.

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