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"Alright, rise and shine everyone. Get up." Carter says harshly to everyone. I opened my eyes to find myself wrapped in Peter's arms and I smiled. Carter was up walking around everyone, writing in his little notebook. I wonder what he writes in it everyday. Eh who cares I just want to get out of this place. I unraveled myself from his presence and packed my things. I could see Peter waking up and doing the same. He looked at me and smiled. Every time he smiles it's like all the happiness in the air has consumed me.
  As soon as everyone was packed we walked further down the hill. We walked a few miles further and stopped at a river. It wasn't just a simple calm river, it was like a rushing tsunami with high winds in the east. "Ok, we're going to take this as easy as possib—." Carter stops before he can finish and notices Peter splashing water from the river into his face. "Peter!" I yelled. "Don't worry about him, he'll be fine." He holds his arm out to hold me back. "Let go of me!" I scream and pull his arm away from me. He pulls out a small gun and points it at me and Lydia. "If we're going to have a problem then I suggest you go ahead and jump into the river with your friend." He rages. I step back in shock and look on the ground to find a small bag of drugs. "Is this yours, Carter?" Lydia asks picking up the bag. "No—." He stops. "Yes." I finish, "It fell out of his back pocket. Were going to sell us for drugs at the bus station?" I ask feeling worried. "No, I simply was going to—." "Yes." Lydia interrupts. "Yes, he was. I heard your little conversation with Mr. X about 'selling the dope for the girls.'" She continues to argue. "Shut up!" He yells aiming the gun to the sky and BANG. He fires the gun.
  I look over at Peter and he falls in as the shot went off. "No!" I yell. I run to the edge as Lydia follows after. "You're not jumping in are you?" Lydia asks. "I'll come back." I hug her tightly. "I promise." I say as I jump into the river.

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