Chapter 1

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This characters do not belong to me but to the ones who own them .

Third PV: 

God was watching the two couples who were kind people and were about to be parents to a child. But as god watched the couple he knew beforehand what was going to happen so he decided that he will make the child into an archangel that was stronger to equal balance to the world. Not only did he make sure everything is set but he also fixed some things like restoring Angel graces but also their power while making sure that his children don't feel him. But most of all making sure all of the archangel w no died and power was returned. But most of all the things, God was still not done as he got a surprise for his Morningstar as no matter what his Morningstar does he still loves him dearly. Since his Morningstar will soon finally be happy and not feel lonely anymore as his gift will help him to be the archangel who he was meant to be from creation. He also plans to fix his family that once was broken since his Morningstar left heaven. So that's why he watched as the couple wait for their child to be born soon, but he knew it was time leaves the place he was at and return home and make sure the other angle down and things explained but the child and stop Michael from doing something to his brother about him needing to be reckless. So god got one more minute look to the essence before disappearing into a blink. 20 minutes after god had left the area where he once was at was soundly filled with powerful wave surge as it goes throughout the world as a newborn being takes it first breath from being born. The powerful wave of energy that the being is giving out is being felt by everyone on earth, hell and also from heaven.

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