Chapter 33

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Taylor POV

"You still avoiding them?" Connor ask once he got to the table Anthony and I sitting at. I smile, "Sort of."

He shook his head and sit across from me and Anthony. He suddenly grin, "Want to hang out at night? Like the usual?" He ask, wiggling his eyebrows. Anthony furrowed his eyebrows, "Man she need to stay out of trouble. She's already in a lot of trouble as she is right now." He mutter, scratching his forehead.

I snorted, "You didn't complain when I ask you to pick me up in the alley way the other day." I pointed out.

He glare at me, "Because I know how desperate you are at that moment." He retorted. Connor chuckled, "This is desperation." He exclaimed playfully. Sam and the boys had their eyes on our table. Apparently, Anthony and Connor had some complicated argument with Sam. The reason, why they don't hung out with us.

"Why don't you and Sam clear things up?" I ask.

Anthony sigh, "There's no point. That guy is stubborn like a rock. He won't listen. He never listen." He answered.

"Just like you." Connor teased.

I scowl, "I think I'd rather you be so quiet and all mysterious than talkative and annoying." I told him. His eyes narrowed playfully at me, "You did not just call me annoying." I laugh and shrug, he chuckle and throw a fry at me which make me laugh harder.

Anthony rolled his eyes and mutter something about us, being so immature or something like that. Connor and I argue end up arguing about what food is best, while Anthony groan in annoyance.

Clara walk up to us minute later and sat beside Connor. "I have a confession to make." She declared. Instantly, she had all our attention. She breath out as she look me in the eyes, "I'm dating Darrel." She announced.

"Oh coo- what?!" Anthony yelled making me jump from my seat and fall to the side.

Anthony turn to me and he look apologetic. I burst out laughing at how ridiculous this situation was. Connor start laughing along with me. And soon enough, Anthony laughing too. Clara look at all of us, confused and nervous. "Well?" She said.

Anthony help me got up from my seat. By this point, I have half the curious glance from the people in cafeteria. I smile and bounce to her and engulf her in a hug. "I'm so proud of you Clara bear. You're all grown up!" I exclaimed happily.

She pull away and study my face properly. "You're not mad?" She ask. I look at her like she grown three head, "Why should I? Darrel aren't really my type anyway." I told her as I nudge with my arm. I look up from hugging Clara and my eyes land on their table. But I focus more on Darrel, what's he doing here.

"Oh, he's sneak in and been wandering around the hallways until I finish my school." Clara told me. I chuckled, "So sweet." I cooed and start laughing when Clara start blushing so hard.

"Oh look, you're blushing. That's a first, so cute." I gushed as I pinch her cheek.

She blush harder as she swat my hand away. Connor stood next to me with his arm slung around my shoulder. "Clara, your boyfriend is glaring daggers at Anthony. Why's that?" He ask. Only then, did I notice that Darrel in fact, glaring daggers at Anthony who look uncomfortable. Clara look back and wave him off, "Don't mind him. He knows I had a crush of Anthony since sophomore year." She blurted then quickly cover her mouth when she realize what she just said.

Our eyes widened. "Anthony? Really?" I ask in disbelief and surprise.

She sigh and let her hand drop, "Yes." She stated, "I used to okay. Not anymore." She quickly added as she pointed her finger at Connor who is about to say something. He scoff and look away, "What nonsense. He always like you too. Since 3rd grade." He grumbled.

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