Beaten Down#2 (Brendon Urie, Fluff)

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Next and last part of Beaten Down oneshot PLEASE ANJOY!

You told Brendon whole the story about yourself. Including leaving parrents for Shane and also the domestic violence. You didn't even know why you told him all of the stuff, you just had enough of keeping all of the bullcraps inside yourself. You needed to let it out and in fact you couldn't choose better audiance than Brendon. He was listenning every word you said, paying attention to every gesture you've made and every expression you've acted.

When your story ended he hugged you carrasing your hair gently. Even if it was just few hours since you've met, you've got a feeling that you know him for years.
His appearence handsome and cool, his personality so nice and pure.

He was carrasing your back, whispering in your ear sweetly "You know what?... What if you'd stay here for sometime untill you'll find something to stay in?"

You leaned back, looking into his eyes schocked "What,no!?...I mean, you're so kind but I'm complete stranger. I don't want to bother you or even waste your time, surely you have lot of things to do!"

You stood up, ready to leave but Brendon took your hand and stood up too facing you. "And where you wanna go?" He asked.

You tried to figure it out but you couldn't ...nothing came to your mind. "I-I will find something" you lied.

He seemfully noticed it and chuckled "Of course you will, but untill then you'll stay here...I just wanna help you doll!" He said nicely and you smiled.

"But I got nothing here, neighter clothes nor hygienic stuff." You said worriedly when you remembered that everything has gone in the apartment.
Brendon shrugged "Well guess we gonna make some nice visitation to the bitch ass scumbag of yours!" He said entertained and grabed your hand "C'mon" he supported you.


After Brendon has given you pair of socks and clean pants and shoes you both went to your appartment, you stood infront of the door afraid to knock on them cause you knew Shane is most likely going to be inside. But Brendon didn't share the same attitude as you. He made a step closer and knocked on the door loudly, after a few silent moments, foot steps could be hear and a ringing of the keys sounded through the corridor as Shane opened the door. When he saw you he smiled evilly "well well well...look at her...slut came home to say sorry?!" He growled. A tear escape your eye as you turn your gaze to the ground. You've heard a crack and surprised whine, some footsteps and another bang on the floor.

When you looked up you saw Brendon how he is sitting on Shane's stomach and giving him punch after punch into his face. Brendon was furious,yelling at Shane "I will show you what does it takes to treat women like this! If you will ever approach her again I will fucking kill you! You motherfucker!"
When Brendon was done with the beating Shane was in unconsciousness, laying motinlessly on the floor, blood pouring down his nose and mouth. Brendon turned around to face you, his lip was bleeding but otherwise he got no worse injuries. He gave you a warm smile while he tried to catch his breathe "Hurry up, he can wake up every minute!" He stated and you ran and packed all your importent stuff. Then you both left the apartment with Shane in it.

You arrived into Brendon's mansion he helped you with unpacking and then turned the TV on and watched some movie. In the middle of it you felt gaze on you, you looked around just to see Brendon as he was starring at you with angelic smile on his lips. You blushed and looked away, but you heard a quite whimper so you shot your gaze at Brendon again just to realise that His lip is bleeding heavily. You took out a tissue from your pocket, leaned your face closer to his so you could see better and gently rubbed it against the wound. He hissed a bit but remaind still "Sorry..." you whisperred apologetically but he shook his head " Don't worry about that...thank you!"

Suddenly he put his hand on your cheek rubbing it gently, looking deeply into your eyes making shiver run down your spine, you blushed again. Your breath was unsteady and fast, your knees were shaking the same  way as your left corner of your lip. Brendon gently pressed his full, plump lips to yours, making surprised squeek escape your mouth into your kiss. He then leaned back, looking into your eyes again, licking his lips lustfully. You breathed out nervously watching his every move, he run his thumb over your lover lip "Don't be afraid honey, I'm gonna take good care of you..." he whisppered and kissed you once more. His kiss was so gentle you've started to cooperate with him and after a while he slipped his tongue into your mouth exploring it's every corner but still so carefully and gently, it became whole make out session. Brendon hovered over you, laying you down on the sofa, his fingers playing with your hair. You never felt so exposed to anyone, even after the fact that you and Shane were sleeping together for over 4years.

Brendon slipped one hand under your shirt and in that moment you needed to stop him "B-brendon Wait! I can't" you warned hi. He immediately put the hand away, giving you ashamed smile "I'm so sorry, didn't want to make you feel are just so beautiful!"he whisppered and you blushed. A sudden yawen surprised you, Brendon removed a strand of hair from your face "you tired?" He asked and you just noded. He placed a kiss on your forehead and then picked you up bridal style, carrying you to his bedroom where he place you on the bed. He layd behind you and put the blanket over you, placing his arm around you, pulling you closer to him.
You felt so safe with him "Good night Brendon..."

you felt one more kiss in your hair and then heard sweet whisper in your ear "Sweet dreams Darling..." you fell asleep immediately. So peacefull so loved!

Word countment :1049

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