The Openning band (FAM Weekes)

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//Actually one of my dreams as an artist O:) ENJOY!//

"What is Sarah?" my drummer asked worriedly.

I shook my head "ugh... I can't do it, I can't sing, they won't like it! It is my fault Alex! I don't know what I thought!" I released desperately. Alex squatted down next to me and put one hand on my shoulder, took a deep breath and then said, looking straight into my eyes "Sarah what the hell! You brought us all this way, you brought us together. and I'm not talking about the extent your vocals actually have! Please get up and kick their asses right there ... do it for Anne! " he knocked with me.

At that moment, something broke in me, grabbing the last courage that was hidden in the deepest part of my mind, and with the guitar in my hand, I stepped onto the stage. The first person I saw was Anne, my bass-guitarist, who gave me a friendly but very nervous smile. Without hesitation I returned it to her. But then I looked under the stage, so many people, so many unknown faces, staring at me eagerly, expecting my words, my songs, my melody... I had a lumb in my throat. My hands were sweating and my legs were heavy. Nevertheless, I came to the microphone and I introduced our band and somehow I started to play one of the first songs...

The nervousness that completely controlled my mind, stealing the chords from my fingers and words out of my mouth, dragged me down like a stone. But after a few songs, it disappeared and when I saw the crowd in the hall applauding, singing and swinging to the rhythm of my songs, I felt a warm feeling of security and a new dose of courage.

The whole concert was soon over and we came down from the stage to give out a few signatures and take a picture with the fans. They all thanked us and embraced with us, for singing they gave us mobiles, hands, faces, exercise books and drumsticks and watches. They were mostly teenagers and, young adults just our age. When the crowds thinned out and most of the fans were gone we started packing, already, I was turning to go backstage but the female voice stopped me."Sarah? ..." I turned to see a couple heading straight for me. When they got close enough to me, I immediately knew who it was."You're Sarah, aren't you? ..." she asked me with a sweet smile, her partner watching me with a slight grin on his face.I nodded in amazement, "Yes, yes, it's me" I smiled.

"I am Breezy and this is my husband Dallon... we visited Paris for a few days and heard about your concert... we expected for something.... but this was amazing we liked it!" she said with great enthusiasm. I just swallowed I didn't know what to say... Dallon Weekes and his wife just came to see my concert and they did like it?I blushed "I know who you are Mrs. Weekes, I've been listening to your husband's work ... for a long time!" I said shakily.She just laughed and stroked my shoulder. "Well, sweetheart, I'm Breezy for you, you have an incredible talent! Could we please take a picture with you?""But of course I will be honored!" I gave her a smile and then we took a few selfies. I felt so special, Dallon and Breezy want to take a picture with me ?! OMG! I tried to look as normal as possible, but beside them I looked like a homeless."I'll leave you two alone for a while and you probably have something to say when you're a colleague, I'm going to take a picture with a drummer," Breezy said, and left.

 Now only Dallon and I were there, my throat tightened and my hands sweated.

He put his hands in his pockets and smiled gently..."Mr. Weekes...""Dallon... call me Dallon, please" he interrupted my speech, but then he smiled and added "Keep going ..."

I blushed, "D-dallon... how did you like it? Did you see it all? From the beginning?" I asked, and Dallon just nodded."Yeah, from start to finish and I have to say you have talent and incredible potential! ... Actually, I thought... ehh. Well, Ryan and I have a Christmas tour and we're looking for a openning band, so if you're interested..." I hugged him.

 I immediately realized how strange it must look and I quickly let go of him "oooh sorry, I'm sorry ..."

He laughed "I take that as YES!"I nodded."Good, Am I gonna find you on Instagram or something...""Sure" I confirmed"Cool! I'll cotact you and let you know, so have a good time," he patted my shoulder, and then he went to his wife.


In the evening I lay in bed with a wonderful feeling. Perhaps it could not turn out better. I was going through an instagram and my eye caught a new post from Dallon Weekes it was our photos and photos with the rest of the band and with the description below (Nobody likes the opening band, but I have to say this one is too Neat for that, love those kids already! See ya soon!)

I gladly liked it and then fell asleep.

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